Student Activities Centralized Training Session 4 Scholarships
ASHRAE Scholarships Scholarship Purpose and Background: – To motivate students worldwide to pursue a career in engineering or engineering technology – Serve the public interest by encouraging men and women to meet the world-wide need for more engineers and/or technicians in the HVAC&R industry – ASHRAE has awarded over $1.5 million in the last 27 years – Over 300 deserving students have benefited from this program – Scholarships are: promoted by Student Activities awarded annually by the ASHRAE Foundation (except Chapter scholarships)
ASHRAE SCHOLARSHIPS Scholarship Session Agenda – Purpose and Background – Distribution of Scholarship Funds – Available Scholarships Undergraduate Engineering Scholarships(Due 1 Dec) University Specific Scholarships (Due 1 Dec) Regional/ Chapter Scholarships(Due 1 Dec) Engineering Technology Scholarships(Due 1 May) High School Senior Scholarships(Due 1 May) Freshman Engineering Scholarship(Due 1 May) – Selection Process – Ten Tips for Applicants – Graduate Student Grant-in-Aid (Due 15 Dec)
Distribution of Scholarship Funds To be non-taxable, scholarship money may be used only for tuition and materials required for classes. It cannot be used for non-academic expenses including room and board The recipient and the party awarding the scholarship are responsible to be ensure the money is only used for academic purposes. The easiest way is for scholarship money to go directly to the school and be credited to the student’s account Contact the school’s Financial Aid department to find out how the check should be written and what documentation needs to go with it so the money goes into the student’s account.
Undergraduate Engineering Scholarships Awarded to – Undergraduate engineering or pre-engineering students – Must be enrolled full-time – Must pursue a BS or Engineering degree that prepares them for the HVAC&R profession – Must have a 3.0 GPA on 4.0 scale and/or – A class standing of no less than the top 30% and meet one of the following criteria: the institution hosts an active ASHRAE Student Branch orASHRAE Student Branch the program is accredited by the Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology (ABET) the institution is accredited by an equivalent agency outside the USA that is a signatory of the Washington Accord orWashington Accord the institution has a signed Memorandum of Understanding with ABET
$10,000 Scholarships – William H. Carrier – Two one-year scholarships awarded annually – Rueben Trane – Four two-year scholarships ($5,000 each year) $5,000 Scholarships – Gordon V.R. Holness Scholarship – Frank M. Coda Scholarship – Lynn G. Bellenger Scholarship – Women only – Alwin B. Newton Scholarship – Duane Hanson Scholarship – ASHRAE General Scholarship (Two available) – ASHRAE Legacy Scholarship $3,000 Scholarships – Henry Adams Scholarship Undergraduate Engineering Scholarships
Awarded to – Undergraduate engineering or pre-engineering students – Must be enrolled full-time – Must pursue a BS or Engineering degree that prepares them for the HVAC&R profession – Must have a 3.0 GPA on 4.0 scale and/or – A class standing of no less than the top 30% and – meet one of the criteria of one of the following scholarships University-Specific Scholarships
David C. J. Peters $5,000 One-Year Scholarship – Full-time Mechanical or Architectural Student – Enrolled in a four or five year Bachelor degree program at: California State University at: – Chico – San Diego – Cal Poly San Luis Obispo – Cal Maritime – Long Beach Pennsylvania State University North Carolina State University Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University (Virginia Tech) Clemson University University of Nebraska at Lincoln or at Omaha Las Vegas Reno Oklahoma State University University of Texas at Austin University-Specific Scholarships
Donald E. Nichols $3,000 One-Year Scholarship – Enrolled at Tennessee Technological University – Full-time Undergraduate Engineering Student – Enrolled in an ABET accredited program leading to a BS J. Richard Mehalick $3,000 One-Year Scholarship – Enrolled at the University of Pittsburgh – Full-time Undergraduate Mechanical Engineering Student – Pursuing a Bachelor’s Degree University-Specific Scholarships
Awarded to – Undergraduate engineering or pre-engineering students – Must be enrolled full-time at a school within region boundaries – Must pursue a BS or Engineering degree that prepares them for the HVAC&R profession – Must have a 3.0 GPA on 4.0 scale and/or – A class standing of no less than the top 30% and meet one of the following criteria the institution hosts an active ASHRAE Student Branch orASHRAE Student Branch the program is accredited by the Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology (ABET) and Meet any additional criteria of the specific scholarship Regional / Chapter Scholarships
$5,000 Regional Scholarships – Region IV Benny Bootle one-year scholarship – Must meet previous criteria plus – May be accredited by National Architectural Accrediting Board in lieu of ABET James R. Bullock, Jr. one-year scholarship – Undergraduate mechanical or architectural engineering student – Enrolled full-time in a post-secondary educational institution within region boundaries or – Graduated from a high school within region boundaries $3,000 Regional Scholarships – Region III Boggarm Setty one-year Scholarship – Region VIII ASHRAE Region VIII one-year scholarship – Must meet previous criteria plus – May be accredited by the Consejo de Acreditacion de la Ensenanza de la Ingenieria (CACEI) in Mexico in lieu of ABET Regional / Chapter Scholarships
Chapter Scholarships – Forty-one chapters listed on ASHRAE website with scholarship opportunity – Many chapters have multiple scholarships – Scholarships administered by Chapter, not Society – Chapter defines criteria – Consider starting your own – Raise money through donations – Can raise in conjunction with R&P efforts – Work with local college financial aid offices Regional / Chapter Scholarships
Awarded to – Undergraduate engineering or pre-engineering students – Must be enrolled full-time – Must pursue an Associate or Bachelor degree that prepares them for the HVAC&R profession – Must have a 3.0 GPA on 4.0 scale and/or – A class standing of no less than the top 30% AND meet one of the following criteria the institution hosts an active ASHRAE Student Branch orASHRAE Student Branch the program is accredited by the Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology (ABET) the program is accredited by the Partnership for Air Conditioning, Heating, and Refrigeration Accreditation (PAHRA) the institution is accredited by an equivalent agency outside the USA that is a signatory of the Sydney Accord (a mutual recognition agreement with ABET)Sydney Accord Engineering Technology Scholarships
Lynn G. Bellenger Engineering Technology Scholarship – $5,000 one-year scholarship – Granted to a female undergraduate engineering student – May be pursuing an Associate or Bachelors degree Associate Engineering Technology Scholarship – Two one-year $5,000 scholarships – Any eligible engineering technology student pursuing an associate degree Bachelor Engineering Technology Scholarship – One-year $5,000 scholarship – Any eligible engineering technology student pursuing an associate degree Engineering Technology Scholarships
Four one-year $3,000 scholarships Awarded to a high school senior – who has been accepted into an undergraduate pre¬engineering or engineering program that prepares them for the HVAC&R profession and/or – The accepting institution must host an active ASHRAE Student Branch orASHRAE Student Branch be accredited by the Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology (ABET) or by the Partnership for Air Conditioning, Heating, and Refrigeration Accreditation (PAHRA) or be accredited by an equivalent agency outside the USA that is a signatory of the Washington Accord, the Sydney Accord or has a Memorandum of Understanding with ABET Washington AccordSydney AccordMemorandum of Understanding with ABET High School Senior Scholarships
A one-year $5,000 scholarship Awarded to a full-time engineering or pre¬engineering student – Must be entering their sophomore year – undergraduate pre¬engineering or engineering program that prepares them for the HVAC&R profession – Applicants must Be an ASHRAE student member or have started an ASHRAE student branch prior to application deadline Have a 3.0 gradepoint on a 4.0 scale Be a 1 st year student at an institution meeting one of the following criteria – Be a member of or have started a student branch at their school prior to application deadline or – be accredited by the Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology (ABET) or by the Partnership for Air Conditioning, Heating, and Refrigeration Accreditation (PAHRA) or – be accredited by an equivalent agency outside the USA that is a signatory of the Washington Accord or has a Memorandum of Understanding with ABET Washington AccordMemorandum of Understanding with ABET Freshman Engineering Scholarships
ASHRAE Scholarship Application Go to: – ASHRAE.ORG > Membership & Conferences > Student Zone > Scholarship and Grants > ASHRAE Scholarship Program > Apply – Application online or download a pdf Student fills this in Student must contact SAC or Chapter Officer for an interview – Scholarship Evaluation (Interview) Form SAC or Chapter Officer must interview applicant Can be a phone interview
ASHRAE Scholarship Application Two Page Interview form
ASHRAE Scholarship Application Two Page Interview form
Selection Process Other than the criteria already listed… – Three letters of recommendation one from an instructor or faculty advisor a current or past employer additional character reference a letter from the Branch faculty advisor may be one of the three – Evaluation Form completed and submitted – Potential service to the HVAC&R profession – Financial need – Leadership ability (activities, leadership roles, community service, etc.) – Work ethics (summer jobs, part-time jobs, etc.)
10 Tips for Applicants Read application carefully and answer questions completely and honestly Make sure you meet all the criteria. Submit application and all required documents on time Use proper English Make sure your application is NEAT and legible Submit an introductory cover letter. Be clear and thorough Learn about the Society Contact ASHRAE headquarters staff if you have questions Become an ASHRAE Student Member
Graduate Student Grant-in-Aid Goal is to encourage outstanding graduate students to become involved in ASHRAE research and related careers Awarded to a full-time graduate student of ASHRAE-related technologies Student must currently be working on or proposing a project relevant to ASHRAE Student membership encouraged but not required 10 to 25 awards of $10,000 each year for use the following academic year Awards are administered by the student’s university but are meant solely for the students personal use while pursuing an HVAC&R related education (Funds administration is changing this year. Check website for information)
Graduate Student Grant-in-Aid Application must be completed by both the student and the faculty advisor Application is submitted to the Manager of Research & Technical services by faculty advisor on the student’s behalf Applications must be received at ASHRAE by 15 Dec Applicant notified of competitive results by 1 Apr Funds available after 1 Jul Application and instructions found at
Selection Criteria Scored on a 100-point rubric – 25 points for each of the following – Academic performance Must translate performance to a U.S. based 4.0 grading scale – Research Plan Significance of research Plans for research procedure and publication – Faculty Advisor Recommendation Based on student’s involvement in ASHRAE Ability to carry out the research – Potential for future ASHRAE involvement Student AND Faculty involvement in ASHRAE Relevance of research History of institution’s involvement in ASHRAE More information available on the Student Zone
ASHRAE Scholarships Direct scholarship questions and submit full application to: Lois Benedict Scholarship Administrator ASHRAE, Inc Tullie Circle, NE Atlanta, GA Phone: Fax: Direct grant-in-aid questions and submit full application to: Mike Vaughn Senior Manager of Research and Technical Services ASHRAE, Inc Tullie Circle, NE Atlanta, GA Phone: Fax:
ASHRAE Scholarships Questions???