Encapsulation of water molecules by dibenzo- 18-crown-6-ether in a supersonic jet Ryoji Kusaka, Yoshiya Inokuchi, Kenji Kawasaki, Takayuki Ebata* Department of Chemistry, Hiroshima University, Japan
OO O O O O K+K+ Introduction (H 2 O) n OO O O O O Dibenzo-18-crown-6-ether (DB18C6) We report how DB18C6 encapsulates water molecules. Crown ethers encapsulate various metal cations and neutral molecules. (H 2 O) n ?
Experiment Fluorescence intensity Probe UV h Pump IR IR-UV double resonance spectroscopy ~100 ns Pump UV h ~4 s Probe UV UV-UV hole burning spectroscopy Fluorescence intensity Probe UV LIF spectroscopy Nd YAG Dye SHG PMT chamber Nd YAG OPO Nd YAG Dye SHG sample water vapor and He gas h
LIF and hole burning spectra HB m UV wavenumber / cm -1 HB m2 HB a HB c HB d HB e HB f LIF m1 m2 b c f d e a monomers hydrated clusters m1, m2 : monomers a-f : hydrated clusters From IR-UV spectra
The conformation of the monomers (m1 and m2) Chair (C i ) E = +542 cm -1 Boat (C 2v ) E = 0 cm -1 (B3LYP/6-31+G*) Optimized structures HB m UV wavenumber / cm -1 HB m2 LIF m1 m2 5 cm -1 splitting no splitting Energy Chair Boat 0 cm cm -1 m1 m2 LIF intensity smallerlarger The vibronic structures of m1 and m2 are different. The difference comes from the symmetry.
Exciton splitting of chair and boat S2S2 S1S1 S0S0 AgAg AgAg AuAu A1A1 A1A1 B1B1 m1 = Chair ( C i ) m2 = Boat ( C 2v ) Transition dipole UV wavenumber / cm -1 m1 m2 exciton splittingno exciton splitting Next, we estimate the splitting energy.
Splitting energy E = 2E = 2 A BA B 4 0 R AB 3 (2cos A cos B sin A sin B cos ) S2S2 S1S1 EE V di-di = dipole-dipole interaction V di-di 5 cm -1 (Obs.) This value ( E = 70 cm -1 ) is pure electronic splitting energy. Ratio of a vibronic transition = = 2 V di-di = 70 cm -1 exciton vibronic splitting = 70 cm -1 (pure electronic)0.1 (single vibronic) UV wavenumber / cm -1 m1 m2 exciton vibronic splitting ( ~5 cm -1 ) = 7 cm -1 = C m R = 8.8 A = 320 and 220 = 0 the vibronic intensity total intensity = roughly about 10%
The structure of water clusters (in DB18C6 part) HB m UV wavenumber / cm -1 HB m2 HB a HB c HB d HB e HB f LIF m1 m2(boat) b c f d e a hydrated clusters of m2(boat) The hydrated clusters, a-f show similar splitting to m2. m2 = Boat-DB18C6
DB18C6-(H 2 O) IR wavenumber / cm IR wavenumber / cm -1 Band a Band b bidentate H-bond O O H O H H-bonded from bottom H-bonded from top UV wavenumber / cm -1 m1 m2 b c f d e a A water molecule Sym 3657 Anti-sym 3756
DB18C6-(H 2 O) IR wavenumber / cm -1 OH (H-donor) = 3530 cm -1 H-donor OH Free OH Band a Band c stronger hydrogen bond (H 2 O) 2 Electrostatic potential map (-0.1 a.u. (red) to +0.1 a.u. (blue)) Bidentate OH UV wavenumber / cm -1 m1 m2 b c f d e a
DB18C6-(H 2 O) 3 and DB18C6-(H 2 O) 4 Free OH IR wavenumber / cm IR wavenumber / cm -1 H-donor OH Band d Band e H-bonded from bottom and top UV wavenumber / cm -1 m1 m2 b c f d e a Bidentate OH
Another type of DB18C6-(H 2 O) 4 bridging OH IR wavenumber / cm -1 H-donor OH Free OH Band f Bidentate OH UV wavenumber / cm -1 m1 m2 b c f d e a Band e H-donor OH Bidentate OH Free OH
Summary (growth of hydrogen bond networks) n = 1n = 2n = 3 n = 4 boat n = 0 LIF m1 m2 b c f d e a a b c d e f
The lowest vibration 21 cm -1 in S 0 HB m UV wavenumber / cm -1 HB m2 HB a HB c HB d HB e HB f LIF m1 m2 b c f d e a monomers hydrated clusters Boat m chair m1 oscillator strength calc. transition energy / cm S 2 S 0 S 1 S 0 S 2 S 0 S 1 S 0 TD-DFT calculation
Bottom viewTop view monomer 1:1 cluster Mulliken charge