3rd Meeting of the Scientific Advisory Board October 21, 2010 Christoph Schwanda Belle and Belle II.


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Presentation transcript:

3rd Meeting of the Scientific Advisory Board October 21, 2010 Christoph Schwanda Belle and Belle II

Christoph SchwandaOctober 21, 2010 On behalf of the Vienna Belle/Belle II group: Thomas Bergauer, Wolfgang Dungel 1, Patricia Francisconi 1, Annekathrin Frankenberger 2, Markus Friedl, Immanuel Gfall 2, Christian Irmler, Winfried Mitaroff, Manfred Pernicka, Christoph Schwanda, Manfred Valentan 1, Laurenz Widhalm 2 1 Doctoral student 2 Diploma student Also non-Belle responsabilities (semi-conductors / electronics / ILC, outreach)

3October 21, 2010Christoph Schwanda KEK Tsukuba site Linac KEKB ring (HER+LER) Belle detector Mt. Tsukuba

Ceremonial dump of last KEKB beam on June 30, 2010 Christoph SchwandaOctober 21, 20104

Christoph SchwandaOctober 21, 20105

Christoph SchwandaOctober 21, 2010  / K L detection 14/15 lyr. RPC+Fe CsI(Tl) 16X 0 Si vtx. det. 3(4) lyr. DSSD SC solenoid 1.5T 8 GeV e  3.5 GeV e  Aerogel Cherenkov cnt. n=1.015~1.030 C entral D rift C hamber small cell +He/C 2 H 5 TOF counter Operated without major problems until the end… 6

Also a success for the SVD2 readout system Christoph SchwandaOctober 21, 2010 Built entirely in Vienna 110,592 readout channels in total Installed in 2003 Worked flawlessly until the very end in the Belle electronics hut one SVD2 FADC board 7

Belle data taking is over, Belle physics is going on! 18 Belle presentations at ICHEP10 25 new physics results in 2010 –CPV: 4, rare decays: 7, CKM: 3, Y(5S): 2, charm: 4, new particles: 1, tau: 3, Y(1,2,3S): 1 21 collaboration papers submitted this year –As of today, there are 327 Belle papers in total Christoph SchwandaOctober 21, 20108

Christoph SchwandaOctober 21, 20109

|V cb | from B 0  D* - l + Based on 711 fb -1 of Y(4S) data ~120,000 reconstructed B 0  D* - l + decays Several innovative features –New approach to reconstruct B rest frame –Determination of slow pion tracking efficiency to reduce systematics 4-d fit to the HQET parameterization of this decay Christoph SchwandaOctober 21,

The 4d fit… Christoph SchwandaOctober 21,

The result… Christoph SchwandaOctober 21, 2010 The most precise measurement of |V cb | using exclusive decays (3.0% experimental error) Phys. Rev. D paper to be submitted this week 12

For his work on |V cb |, Wolfgang Dungel received the Victor Hess prize 2010 of the Austrian Physical Society. Congratulations! Christoph SchwandaOctober 21,

Belle analysis funding Despite the Belle II upgrade work, I think it is mandatory that Belle analysis continues In February, I have applied for funding of 2 Ph.D. students at the Austrian Science Fund FWF Unfortunately, no funding decision so far, maybe in November/December? Christoph SchwandaOctober 21,

15October 21, 2010Christoph Schwanda KEK Tsukuba site Linac SuperKEKB ring (HER+LER) Belle II detector Mt. Tsukuba

From KEKB to SuperKEKB The KEKB B factory will be upgraded to SuperKEKB using the same tunnel. The upgrade is based on the “nano beam” scheme, first proposed for SuperB in Italy Squeeze  * y as much as possible: 0.27/0.41 mm for LER/HER Assume the beam-beam parameter  y achieved at KEKB: 0.09 Change the beam energies from 3.5/8 GeV to 4/7 GeV (increase Touschek lifetime, mitigate effect of intra-beam scattering in LER) Reuse KEKB components as much as possible Christoph SchwandaOctober 21,

Christoph Schwanda e A e A Belle II Replace long TRISTAN dipoles with shorter ones (HER). Redesign the HER arcs to squeeze the emitance. New Superconducting / permanent final focusing quads near the IP New damping ring New IR TiN coated beam pipe with antechambers increasing dynamic aperture: larger crossing angle 2  = 22 mrad  83 mrad smaller asymmetry 3.5 / 8 GeV  4 / 7 Gev optimizing lattice:  beam ~ 400 s (target 600 s) L = 8 x10 35 cm -2 s -1 October 21,

Christoph Schwanda machine parameters KEKB Design KEKB Achieved (with crab) SuperKEKB High-Current Option SuperKEKB Nano- Beam Scheme  y * (mm)(LER/HER) 10/106.5/5.9 (5.9/5.9)3/60.24/0.37  x (nm) 18/1818(15)/2424/182.8/2.0  (%) /0.51.0/0.7  y (  m) / /0.072 yy /0.056 (0.101/0.096) 0.3/ /0.09  z (mm) 4~ 75(LER)/3(HER)5 I beam (A)2.6/ /1.45 (1.62/1.15) 9.4/4.13.6/2.1 N bunches 5000~ Luminosity (10 34 cm -2 s -1 ) (2.1) 5380 October 21,

SuperKEKB luminosity prospect Christoph Schwanda 0.6/ab/month (4x10 35 /cm 2 /s ) 0.9/ab/month (6x10 35 /cm 2 /s ) 1.2/ab/month (8x10 35 /cm 2 /s ) 50/ab October 21,

Christoph Schwanda Particle ID: ring imaging Cherenkov devices (TOP in the barrel, ARICH in the forward) Belle II detector Silicon: 2 lyrs pixel, 4 lyrs DSSD Drift chamber: smaller cell size Em. calorimeter: wave form sampling pure CsI (endcaps) Muons, neutrals: scintillator strips (endcaps) October 21,

Belle II Silicon Vertex Detector (SVD) Vienna is responsible for the design, development and construction of the entire Belle II SVD system This includes –Double-side silicon sensors –Ladder mechanics and cooling –Readout electronics 21Christoph SchwandaOctober 21, 2010

Belle II SVD design Christoph SchwandaOctober 21, layers of double-sided silicon sensors (DSSDs) read out by a fast front-end chip (APV25) Flash analog-digital converter (FADC) with hit time finding Low mass ladder design: Carbon fiber ribs CO 2 cooling Slanted forward sensors 22

Occupancy reduction with APV25 and hit time finding Christoph SchwandaOctober 21,

Origami chip-on-sensor concept Christoph SchwandaOctober 21,

First Origami successfully built in July 2010 Christoph SchwandaOctober 21,

September 2010: beam test at CERN SPS 120 GeV pions/protons Christoph SchwandaOctober 21, 2010 Beam Devices under test on x-y-table Eudet Telescope (upstream) Eudet Telescope (downstream) Sources of errors 26

October 2010: Gamma irradiation test at SCK-CEN (Mol, Belgium) Christoph SchwandaOctober 21, 2010 Devices under test Insertion in container 27

Belle II baseline design fixed Christoph Schwanda HEPHY’s SVD design is now written up in Chap. 5 of the Belle II Technical Design Report We also made important contributions to the “computing and software” chapter The entire 501 pages document was successfully reviewed by an international advisory committee in May 2010 October 21,

Recent funding news KEKB upgrade plan has been approved June 23, 2010 High Energy Accelerator Research Organization (KEK) The MEXT, the Japanese Ministry that supervises KEK, has announced that it will appropriate a budget of 100 oku-yen (approx $110M) over the next three years starting this Japanese fiscal year (JFY2010) for the high performance upgrade program of KEKB. This is part of the measures taken under the new “Very Advanced Research Support Program” of the Japanese government. “We are delighted to hear this news,” says Masanori Yamauchi, former spokesperson for the Belle experiment and currently a deputy director of the Institute of Particle and Nuclear Studies of KEK. “This three-year upgrade plan allows the Belle experiment to study the physics from decays of heavy flavor particles with an unprecedented precision. It means that KEK in Japan is launching a renewed research program in search for new physics by using a technique which is complementary to what is employed at LHC at CERN.” Christoph SchwandaOctober 21,

Vienna Belle II funding Austrian share in Belle II upgrade costs: ~EUR 450,000 over three years (~17% of SVD system costs) I have written and submitted two proposals to obtain this level of funding –FWF START ~EUR 1,100,000 for 6 years –ERC StG ~EUR 1,100,000 (including overheads) for 5 years Christoph SchwandaOctober 21,

Invited Belle/Belle II conference presentations 2010 C. Irmler, “Electronics and Cooling for the Silicon Vertex Detector of the Belle II experiment”, Topical workshop for Electronics for Particle Physics, Aachen, Germany (Sep 20-24) C. Schwanda, “B  Xclnu moments and fits for |Vcb|“, 6th International Workshop on the CKM Unitarity Triangle, Warwick, UK (Sep 6-10) W. Dungel, “Measurement of the decay B  D*lnu and determination of |Vcb| at Belle”, I35th International Conference on High Energy Physics (ICHEP10), Paris, France (Jul 21-28) C.Schwanda, “NP constraints by rare decays at the B factories”, 3 rd workshop on Theory, Phenomenology and Experiments in Heavy Flavour Physics, Capri, Italy (Jul 5-7) C.Schwanda, “SuperKEKB status”, 3 rd workshop on Theory, Phenomenology and Experiments in Heavy Flavour Physics, Capri, Italy (Jul 5-7) P. Francisconi, “QCD analysis of e+e- multiplicities and fragmentation functions”, 15 th International QCD Conference, Montpelier, France (Jun 28-Jul 2) T. Bergauer, “Belle Upgrade Silicon Tracker”, Vertex 2010, Loch Lomond, Scotland (Jun 6-11) M. Friedl, “The Silicon Vertex Detector of the Belle II Experiment”, 12 th Vienna Conference on Instrumentation, Vienna, Austria (Feb 15-20) 31Christoph SchwandaOctober 21, 2010

Summary Belle –Effort in physics analysis needs to be maintained –At least until 2013 (deadline for the B factory legacy book) Belle II –Technical design phase is approaching completion –Funding for production needs to be secured Christoph SchwandaOctober 21,

BACKUP 33Christoph SchwandaOctober 21, 2010

Christoph Schwanda The asymmetric KEKB collider Electron ring (HER): 8 GeV Positron ring (LER): 3.5 GeV Center of mass energy: GeV (Y(4S) resonance  production of B pair at threshold) But also runs at Y(5S), … One interaction point (Belle) October 21,