OSTS Winter Training Charts & Publications 14 Jan, 2013
Latitude & Longitude Same everywhere on Earth 1° of latitude = 60 NM 1’ of latitude = 1 NM Varies depending on location at the equator Do NOT use longitude to measure distance Latitude Longitude
Rhumb Line Great Circle What type of chart is best used for OSTS piloting? Mercator Chart Since constant course changes are not practical, it is customary to follow a Rhumb Line on a Mercator Chart rather than a great circle. Advantages of Mercator Chart: Ease of measurement - distance, direction, & position Latitude/longitude - drawn as straight lines and can be easily plotted Piloting
Chart Scale The size of the area represented in a chart varies according to the scale of the chart Charts with a large scale will cover a small area 1:10,000 Charts with a small scale will cover a large area 1:120,000
Aids to Navigation: Buoys Can BuoyNun Buoy Can buoys (green) are always on the left and Nun Buoys (red) are always on the right when returning from sea (IALA B) Preferred Channel Buoy The top band marks the preferred channel Special Marks Yellow Indicates: Restricted Area Anchorage NOAA Weather Cable/Pipe Line Isolated Danger Black & Red Horizontal Stripe Indicates: Hazard to Nav Shoal Water
Aids to Navigation
Lights 2 Categories of Lights Major Lights High Intensity and visibility Lighthouses Key Navigation Points Minor Lights Low Intensity NAV aid within harbors and rivers Mark isolated dangers Phases of Lights Fixed (F) – Constantly lit Flashing Fl – Flashing QF – Quick Flashing (50-79/min) VQ – Very Quick Flashing (80-159/min) Isophase (Iso) – Period of light = Period of darkness Occulting (Oc) – Period of light > Period of darkness
Chart Symbology SymbolTypeDefinition FIX Visual means A position established at a specific time to a high degree of accuracy utilizing 3 or more simultaneous Lines of Position FIX Electronic means DR Dead Reckoning A determination of a ship’s future position taking into account only the ship’s course and speed
Piloting Fix Interval Promulgated by PRODEV – IAW DIVPRODEVINST Skipper/XO will determine or approve fix interval with respect to other actions on deck, distance to nav hazards, and local traffic Exceptions MOB Drills Local Sail Training
Six Rules of DR
Line of Position (LOP) A single LOP provides significant information to navigation but cannot fix the position. Three or more LOPs yield a reliable fix What would be best for determining an LOP? A.Boat at anchor B.Lighted buoy C.Lighthouse D.A Navy 44
True/Relative Bearing
Chart Basics Bridge Height is measured from the center section of the bridge at mean-high-water Water Depth is measured from mean lower-low-water Where would you find the height differences between mean high water and mean lower low water? Tidal Information Book
Chart Basics Where would you find the text corresponding to a numbered note on a chart? See Note B Note B Traffic Separation Scheme Begins
Chart Basics What color is used on a printed NOAA chart to indicate shoal water?
Publications Notice to Mariners (NTM) NIMA publication with participation by the USCG and National Ocean Service Provides marine safety information for the correction of all US Government navigation charts Nautical Almanac Specifies for each whole hour of the year the position on the Earth's surface at which the sun, moon, planets are directly overhead Used to determine time of sunrise Used for celestial navigation Rules of the Road Navigation rules to be followed by ships and other vessels at sea in order to prevent collisions and ensure safe passage
Publications (cont’d) Chart No. 1 Provides descriptions and depictions of the basic elements and symbols used on nautical charts Additional Recommended Reading Covers all aspects of seamanship and navigation Contact LTJG Calhoun
Publications (cont’d) SOP Provides the operating procedures, rules and regulations associated with all sail training craft at USNA BIB Contains information on all of the boat systems, performance data and operating procedures Navy 44 MK II Experiential Leadership Leadership guide used during summer training Similar to leadership courses taught to MIDN