COMP 2903 A9 – National ID: Biometrics Pinned to Social Secuiry Cards Danny Silver JSOCS, Acadia University
Ryan Singel Wired, May 15, 2007 A San Francisco-based blogger and journalist Covers civil liberty and privacy issues Co-author of a blog with journalist and convicted hacker Kevin Lee Poulsen Has covered issues of government monitoring Chronicler of AT&T's alleged involvement in the NSA warrantless surveillance controversy Not liked by federal authorities
Social Security Cards What are they for?
Social Security Cards Face first major upgrade in 70 years Several proposals in the US for proof of being able to be employed: – New driver’s license that meets Real ID standards – High-tech temporary work visa – US passport with RFID – High-tech additions to Social Security card – New biometric Social Security card
Problems with the Biometric Proposal The type of biometric is not specified: – Digital photo, Finger print, Iris scan How would one receive the card Preferably something that would last a lifetime How would employers verify a card – Post Office?
Security –vs- Freedom American Civil Liberties Union does not like the move to a high-tech SS ID Too great a risk of wrongful denial: – Problems/expense verifying cards – Database errors estimated that 17.8M records in the US governments employment database have errors – Mission drift – tracking people for other reasons