Ann Skinner Head of Supporting People
Shiny new LAAs LAAs = a contract between a Local Strategic Partnership and the Government Office LAA should reflect the priorities for the Sustainable Communities Strategy – it is the delivery mechanism for the SCS New LAAs = up to 35 cross-cutting outcomes (national indicators), chosen from a set of mandatory education targets Negotiation under way with GOs – LAAs to go ‘live’ from June and last 3 years Mix of local and national priorities – can also include local indicators which are not measured by Govt. Government is measuring all 198 targets
The vision thing LAMBETH’S SUSTAINABLE COMMUNITIES STRATEGY 4 goals: increase employment opportunities extend opportunities for young people community safety; joint working; neighbourhood engagement improve most disadvantaged neighbourhoods 7 deliverySkillsJobs & EnterpriseSocial inclusion pathways:Built environmentChildren, Families & Parents Safe & Strong communitiesHealthy & active communities 1 theme: worklessness
LAA DNA Increased investment and economic growth 155,171 Better life chances for families and carers 50, 55, 63,102, 110, 112,114, 135 Reduced premature mortality 121 Increased employability 45, 79, 117, 118, 144, 146, 163 Increased employment and household income 116, 150, 151, 187 Greater independence for those at risk of social exclusion 130, 141,156 Stronger and cohesive communities 4, 13, 35 Less crime 15,16, 32 Improved wellbeing and public satisfaction with Lambeth as a place 5, 21, 42 Reduced inequalities by place and/or identity 153
Lambeth LAA’s worklessness targets NI117 : reduction in 16-18yrs NEET NI141 : Number of vulnerable people achieving independent living NI144 : Offenders under probation supervision in employment at the end of their order or licence NI146: Adults with learning disabilities in employment NI150 : Adults in contact with secondary mental health services in employment NI151: Overall employment rate NI153 :Working age people claiming out of work benefits in the worst performing neighbourhoods NI163 :Working age population qualified to at least Level 2 or higher
PSA16 The social exclusion PSA ‘Owned’ by the Social Exclusion Task Force, in the Cabinet Office focuses on four vulnerable groups: 1. care leavers (age 19) 2. adult offenders under probation supervision 3. adults in contact with secondary mental health services 4. adults with moderate to severe learning disabilities In particular, the priority is for jobs and homes.
Commissioning as a driver for delivery LAA Opportunities for innovation and new approaches to service delivery Opportunities for joint commissioning Development of neighbourhood delivery Development of local delivery vehicles Working with the Third Sector Invest to save approach
So, what does it all mean for providers? Commissioning will look not only at the direct service to be provided but at how providers have integrated cross-cutting issues around worklessness Contracts to include social clause re. worklessness in Lambeth What can providers do to employ their own service users? What role does social enterprise play? What role can interim labour market projects play?