Wales Wellbeing Bond Matthew Brown Head of Social Investment WCVA 029 20431779


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Presentation transcript:

Wales Wellbeing Bond Matthew Brown Head of Social Investment WCVA

European Funding – Under the programme WCVA operated the Communities Investment Fund. Remit to invest to enable third sector organisations to deliver public services, grow trading income and create jobs Investment provided on a repayable basis Opportunity to be innovative but at it’s core investments had to create jobs

Wales Wellbeing Bond – Term coined by WCVA to promote new ways of delivering and investing in public services that utilise the skills of the third sector Wales Wellbeing Bond encompasses a range of delivery approaches that can unlock innovative third sector delivery of public services Focus on joint working – Not about public sector commissioning third sector organisations to deliver prescriptive services

Wales Wellbeing Bond – Seeks to meet several objectives of public and third sectors – Enable third sector delivery of preventative actions that reduce demand on public services Attract initial external social investment to fund initial activity Enhanced service delivery creates population wellbeing impact Savings generated repay initial investment and fund activity long term

The future – The model is not limited to any particular service The key is to target costs that if saved can be ‘cashed’ Requires open and honest partnership working – co-production Model is still in it’s infancy so further investment funds needed to launch further activity

Valleys Steps James McMahon

Need to be met Latest data suggests prescribing rates for anti-depressants within Cwm Taf equates to 1 in 6 of our population taking some form of this medication Cost to the UHB currently £1.6 million forecast to rise to £2 million by 2019 if we do nothing (providing no further rise in unit cost)

Antidepressant Prescribing

Prudent Solution? Psychological Education – Mindfulness and Stress Control Evidence Based Easily Accessible and Free Non-Stigmatising Attractively Branded and Well Promoted Meets demand and capacity requirements Fit Strategically Adequate governance and clinical support Promotes Emotional Literacy and Resilience

Valleys Steps Model

Funded by the Wales Well Being Bond Established as a non for profit Third Sector organisation Aims to deliver over 60 courses per year from April ‘16 Applying for additional funding from the Big Lottery etc

Further questions… James McMahon