Boulder County Clerk and Recorder’s Office 2014 Primary Election Canvass Board Draft Report and Preliminary Data Review July 1, 2014
Agenda Draft reconciliation report review Data file overview Discussion of what will be provided Thursday and Monday – Final election versions of today’s data files – Additional reports and data to be provided – Final reconciliation report Clarify what else you are looking for Expect that our portion will take apx. 1 hour Will be available for clarifying discussion for another 45 minutes End by 4:30
Draft Reconciliation Report Data snapshot from 6am June 25th Differences exist between SCORE and Tally due to 8-day processing yet to be completed Detailed attachments will be provided with final report (see sample from earlier election)
Data File Overview SCORE and Tally reports are from a snapshot taken after Election day (early morning, June 25 th ) Exception – EX002 was run June 30 th to show districts for voters; can be used to identify City of Longmont No confidential voters or confidential information is included (e.g. birthdate) – 204 confidential voters in this election – 90 accepted mail ballots, 1 voted In-Person
Boulder County Canvass Board Data Package #1 – July 1, 2014 ReportSourceTypeDescription VR-011SCORE.txtRegistered voters report E-032SCORE.txtAbsentee list (ballot status for mail ballots recorded in SCORE) EV-002SCORE.txtIn-Person voters list Tally resultsTallyPDF, Excel Ballots tallied by contest (Cumulative) Statement of BallotsVSPCs, BOD PDF, Excel Summary of daily VSPC reports – by day, by location BP-006SCOREPDFBallot batches report BP-009SCOREPDFReal-Time ballot returns BP-012BSCOREPDFBallot reconciliation report EX-002SCORE.txtMaster Voter History – Providing the Voter Details portion that includes district information for Longmont voter research purposes.
Boulder County Canvass Board Data Package #2 – July 3, 2014 ReportSourceTypeDescription Refreshed copies of all reports in Data Package #1 Various Refreshed to reflect final 8-day processing Ballot Box Tracking LogWarehouse/Ballot Processing PDF, ExcelLog of ballot boxes in and out 2014P Process WorkbookReception, B & HPDF, ExcelLog of 1 st Floor (Reception) processing 2 nd Floor Reception Tracking 1 st -2 nd Transfer & Batching ExcelLog of transfers from 1 st – 2 nd floor; VSPC and E- Mail ballots received BP012CSCOREPDFProvisional ballot statistics
SUNMONTUESWEDTHURFRISAT 6/24 Election Day 6/25 Provisionals 6/26 Provisionals 6/27 Provisionals 2PM Audit Kick- off 6/28 6/29 9:30 am Audit batch pull 6/30 9:30 am Audit 7/1 9:30 am Audit 2PM Initial Data Review 7/2 Provisionals 8-day Ballot processing 9:30 am Audit 7/3 9:30 am Audit if needed 3PM Data Q&A and final Election Data Provided 7/4 4 th of July 7/5 7/67/7 2PM Final Canvass Board meeting 7/87/97/107/117/12 7/137/147/157/167/177/187/ Primary Election Canvass Reconciliation & Audit Schedule