Created by Lynne Crandall University of Michigan Revised by Mark Kondrak CLA Language Center University of Minnesota South Asia Jeopardy Game Questions by M. Eubanks
EconomicSocialPoliticalReligionPhysical Geography
Categories What Mountain range separates South Asia from the rest of Asia? Physical Geography 100 Points
Categories Physical Geography 100 Points Himalayan Mountains
Categories Physical Geography 200 Points Name the three great rivers of South Asia
Categories Ganges, Indus, Brahmaputra Physical Geography 200 Points
Categories Physical Geography 300 Points What do you call soils that have been deposited by flowing water? (This makes excellent farm land.)
Categories Physical Geography 300 Points Alluvial Plains or Alluvial Soils
Categories What do you call high water that swamps low-lying areas and is usually the result of violent weather patterns? Physical Geography 400 Points
Categories Storm surge. Physical Geography 400 Points
Categories What is a broadened seaward end of a river called? Physical Geography 500 Points
Categories Estuary Physical Geography 500 Points
Categories Name the two religions that began in South Asia. Religion 100 Points
Categories Religion 100 Points Hinduism, Buddhism
Categories Religion 200 Points Who founded Buddhism?
Categories Siddhartha Gautama Religion 200 Points
Categories Religion 300 Points What word, relating to both Hinduism and Buddhism, refers to one’s soul being reborn over and over across many lifetimes?
Categories Religion 300 Points Reincarnation
Categories What term refers to the events of one’s next life being based on one’s behavior in a previous life? Religion 400 Points
Categories Karma Religion 400 Points
Categories What word refers to one’s path in life? Religion 500 Points
Categories Dharma Religion 500 Points
Categories What type of government does India have? Political 100 Points
Categories Political 100 Points Democracy
Categories Political 200 Points What individual gave up a life of wealth and power to, through non- violent protest, bring about India’s independence from Great Britain.
Categories Mohandas Gandhi Political 200 Points
Categories Political 300 Points What two countries are in a violent conflict over land in the Northwestern part of the region?
Categories Political 300 Points India and Pakistan
Categories What is the name of the land being fought over by India and Pakistan in Northwestern South Asia? Political 400 Points
Categories Kasmir Political 400 Points
Categories What do you call the era when Great Britain controlled India as a colony? Political 500 Points
Categories Raj Political 500 Points
Categories What river is considered the Great river of South Asia? Social 100 Points
Categories Social 100 Points Ganges River
Categories Social 200 Points What religion are most Indians?
Categories Hindu Social 200 Points
Categories Social 300 Points What phrase refers to the issue where multiple generations of families are poor, and poor children grow up to be poor adults due to lack of education and other resources?
Categories Social 300 Points Cycle of Poverty
Categories What can help break the “cycle of poverty”? Social 400 Points
Categories Education Social 400 Points
Categories What does it mean to be illiterate? Social 500 Points
Categories To not be able to read or write. Social 500 Points
Categories What type of economic activity do most people in South Asia take part in? Economic 100 Points
Categories Economic 100 Points Agriculture
Categories Economic 200 Points What type of agriculture means that families grow only enough food to live on with little left over to sell for profit?
Categories Subsistence Farming Economic 200 Points
Categories Economic 300 Points What phrase refers to food, clothing and shelter?
Categories Economic 300 Points Basic necessities.
Categories What phrase refers to the attempt to redistribute land from the wealthy to the less wealthy to help them make a better living? Economic 400 Points
Categories Land Reform Economic 400 Points
Categories What term refers to an individual who creates a new business? Economic 500 Points
Categories Entrepreneur Economic 500 Points
Categories South Asia Is A Land of Contrasts!!
Categories The Daily Double