The issues and concerns Longgena Ginting Palm oil in Indonesia:
Environmental issues
Great loss of biodiversity
Land erosion Forest fires
Trigger the illegal logging
Land and water pollution
Social issues
Land conflicts with local people
Food sovereignty
Other social conflicts and labor conflict
established in 1980 as a frontline advocacy group for environmental and social issues in Indonesia indonesia’s largest environmental movement with 500 local environmental and social NGOs and People Organisation (POs) 1 national office with 25 provincial offices advocate and campaign the most urgent environmental problems and link them with human rights issues member of Friends of the Earth International (FOEI) (The Indonesian Forum for Environment)
WALHI’s vision and mission vision: just and sustainable livelihoods for all people by defending peoples’ sovereignty and rights over their environment and sources of livelihood mission: to establish a united and strong environmental and popular movements towards justice, social equality, and democratic & sustainable natural resources governance.
WALHI and social movement link environmental problems with human rights and social issues promoting the right-based approach (environment right is human rights) environmental organisation with unique roles strengthening people rights over natural resources management and livelihood working on the root of the cause environmental problems challenging unsustainable economic model development and promoting sustainable livelihood
supporting indigenous peoples' rights support to restore the IPs traditional institutional system support the community organising and capacity building (facilitating and mediating) establishment of Indigenous peoples Alliance (AMAN) and its network and the supporters campaigns and academic exercises on IP and their rights constitution amendment and law reforms community mapping for negotiations with other parties over issues of land rights, resource access and boundary definition. work with National Commission on Human Rights support effort to ratify Convention ILO #169 and Covenant of ECOSOC
Community organising
Popular mobilisation
Parliamentarian and litigation works
Media campaigns
Public awareness
International solidarity