Author. by James Howe Illustrated by Amy Walrod
Fantasies why? The characters are acting like people.
The main idea is about Horace, Morris and Dolores joining clubs.
The author’s purpose is to entertain because it is telling a fantasy.
We thought that Dolores would dress up as a boy and join the boy club.
The characters are Horace, Morris, Dolores, and Chores and another friend. The setting are at two clubhouse and Mount Ever- Rust and a girl’s clubhouse.
adventure We went on an adventure. wondered I wondered why my teacher always drinks coffee. exploring My friends and I went exploring in the woods. climbed My friends and I climbed a tree. clubhouse Everyone went in a clubhouse. greatest I have the greatest teacher. truest Is she the truest?
Dolores is a girl but Horace and Morris are both boys. They all are friends.
Horace and Morris went to a boy clubhouse so, Dolores went to a girl clubhouse.
The theme is you don’t have to fit in because you won’t always get what you want.
Horace and Morris went to a boy’s club and Dolores went to a girl’s club.
The boys do not want girls in there clubhouse but some mice do want girls in there clubhouse.
Amelia’s grandmother’s name is Dolores just like the mouse in the story.