MRS. PASSMORE’S 2 ND GRADE CLASS Welcome to Back to School Night!
About Me I am originally from Warrenton, Virginia and currently live in Fredericksburg with my husband, Brian, and our yellow lab, Sadie.
About Me Graduate of the University of Mary Washington with B.A. in Psychology and Masters in Elementary Education. I previously worked with children with autism as a Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) Therapist. I enjoy going to the lake, swimming, participating in triathlons, scuba diving, and spending time with friends and family.
Philosophy of Teaching Lessons should be meaningful and researched based Appeal to various styles of learning Communicating with parents is essential Students should feel safe and have fun/enjoy learning!
Our School Day 9:00 to 9:10 – Announcements & Morning Routines 9:10 to 9:25 – Morning Meeting 9:25 to 10:30 – Math 10:30 to 10:55 – I&E 10:55 to 11:05 – Bathroom Break 11:06 to 11:36 – Lunch 11:40 to 12:10 – Writing 12:11 to 12:58 - Specials 1:00 to 1:10 – Read Aloud & Snack 1:10 to 1:30 – Word Study 1:30 to 2:30 – Guided Reading 1:45 to 2:45 – Mini Lesson 2:45 to 3:05 – Recess 3:05 to 3:35 – Social Studies/Science 3:35 – Prepare for Dismissal
Snack We have snack everyday around 1:00 I know we all forget to pack a snack sometimes, I will have extra crackers on hand for these cases If you would like to donate extra snacks it would be greatly appreciated! Thanks!
Morning Meeting Sets the tone for respectful learning Motivates students to feel a sense of significance, belonging and the need to have fun Merges social, emotional and intellectual learning
Morning Meeting Continued Building leadership skills through the “7 Habits” Be Proactive: I’m in charge of me! Begin with the End in Mind: Have a plan! Put First Things First: Work – then play! Think Win-Win: I win! You win! We win! Seek First to Understand, then to be Understood: Listen before you talk! Synergize – Together is better! Sharpen The Saw – Balance feels best!
Reading Block Writing Word Study Whole Group Instruction Literacy Stations/Guided Reading
Guided Reading Increase student reading level (F&P), fluency, expression, vocabulary, and comprehension skills Benchmark Reader’s Workshop: Read Aloud, Mini- Lesson, Guided Reading, Literacy Stations, and Independent Reading Mrs. Passmore, Mrs. Cann, & Mrs. Ruzzier – work with small groups of students using leveled texts
Math Block Envisions & Investigations: Adjusted lessons to meet state standards Math Stations/Games Guided Math: Differentiated instruction in a small group setting
Social Studies Social Studies Units: o Citizenship, communities, and diversity o Native Americans o Ancient China o Ancient Egypt o Economics
Science Science Units: o Magnets o Weather o Water Cycle o Plant & Animal Life Cycles o Habitats
Assessments P.A.L.S./Fountas and Pinnell (F&P) –student reading levels S.T.A.R.S – assesses various reading skills to determine if a child is at/above the benchmark level or in need of interventions Benchmark – assesses reading skills P.A.L.S./Word Study assessments – determines spelling levels Math and Science/Social Studies tests
Report Cards Standards based report cards Number grades are given 1 (Performs Below Standard) - struggles with grade-level material…not sure where to begin…confused after repeated instruction 2 (Working Towards Standard) – developing skill…needs assistance and can not perform skill without help 2+ - student is “almost there” and only needs occasional assistance
Report Cards Continued 3 (Meets Standard) - consistently demonstrates understanding of material…goal for all students 3+ - Consistently performs skill with exceptional ease…level of difficulty does not matter 4 (Exceeds Standard) – consistently uses higher-level thinking skills…ability to analyze, justify thinking and apply skills to unfamiliar situations
Homework Assignments are sent home on Mondays (in blue daily folder) Listed in weekly newsletter, agenda, and on our class website Assignment is submitted the day after it is assigned Word Study – refer to “Word Study Activities” sheet and complete on loose leaf notebook paper every Thursday night.
Goal Setting Class Goals Individual Goals ( Begin the 2 nd 9 weeks) o Personal goals (tying shoes, completing assignments on time, turning homework in on time, raising hand in class) o Academic goals (increase reading level, memorize addition facts, increase number of Accelerated Reader quizzes) o Students will self-monitored in their individual goal/data binder
Classroom Goals Become better writers, readers, & spellers Read Chapter Books Learn to write smaller, neater, and in cursive Learn to add & subtract two digit numbers Earn 400 leaves to our class tree this year!
Classroom Rules Respect others, our classroom, and yourself Listen to others and the teacher Treat others the way you want to be treated Raise your hand Have Fun!
Classroom Discipline Plan Each student begins on number 3 each day After three warnings the student and I will discuss how they can make better choices and I will inform them they have a 2 If the behavior continues the number will continue to decrease Students will always have the opportunity to earn their number back before the day is over I will write the incident in the agenda so we are all on the same page and your child will also write you a letter to ensure that they take ownership of their behavior.
Conway Discipline Train Book (Class) – Class receives points (ranging from 1-4) in special area classes and at lunch Caught Being a Leader(Individual) – students are recognized for displaying leadership skills through the “7 Habits”
Folder and Agendas Blue Daily folders – taken home and returned to school each day Parent/Teacher notes, homework assignments, classroom newsletters, school correspondence, PTA information Agendas Students record homework assignments Teacher/Parent notes
How You Can Help Read with your child each night Reinforce skills at home (home/school connections sheet, addition/subtraction facts, assist with homework) Encourage Accelerated Reader and First in Math Communicate with the teacher
Communication – Notes in Daily Folder or Agendas Parent/Teacher Conferences School Fusion Page Got to Conway Website Look for “Classrooms” Click on 2 nd Grade Find Mrs. Passmore’s class (our class webpage)
Volunteers Assist with center activities, read with students, read-aloud books to the class, create/cut-out materials at school or from home, volunteer for field trips (In class volunteers will start mid October)
Questions or Comments