"Once You Go Here, You Can Go Anywhere" ™ Data Into Action West Hills Community College Pedro Avila – Vice Chancellor of Institutional Effectiveness Elaine Cash – Closing the Gap Project Manager
"Once You Go Here, You Can Go Anywhere" ™ Two College District Service area covers the cities of Lemoore, Coalinga, Firebaugh, Avenal, and other rural communities in the west side of the San Joaquin Valley. Serve Over 10,000 students Annually Hispanic Serving Institution 20% of enrollments through online education. About West Hills Community College District
"Once You Go Here, You Can Go Anywhere" ™ WHCCD Accomplishments/Recognition Chancellor’s Diversity Award 2009 Economic Development Partner Award 2007 #34
"Once You Go Here, You Can Go Anywhere" ™ WHCCD Integrated Planning Accountability Reporting for the Community Colleges (ARCC) WHCL Strategic Planning WHCC Strategic Planning District College State
"Once You Go Here, You Can Go Anywhere" ™ WORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT Placement Rate Employer Assessment of Students Certification Pass Rates Client Assessment of Programs & Services MISSION STUDENT PROGRESS Goal Attainment Retention, Success, and Persistence Degree Completion Rates Distance Education Participation Rates Retention and Success Rates BASIC SKILLS Success Rates Improvement Rates Placement Rates TRANSFERS Number & Rate Who Transfer Performance After Transfer WHCCD Comprehensive Effectiveness Model Book “Core Indicators of Effectiveness For Community Colleges” by the American Association of Community Colleges OUTREACH Community Participation Rates High School Graduates Participation Rates
"Once You Go Here, You Can Go Anywhere" ™ Accountability Report for Community Colleges (ARCC) Source: Accountability Report for California Community Colleges (ARCC)
"Once You Go Here, You Can Go Anywhere" ™ Improvements to Vocational Courses Source: WHCCD Data Warehouse
"Once You Go Here, You Can Go Anywhere" ™ First Term HS Graduates - Fall 2009 Math and Writing Placement Source: WHCCD Data Warehouse
"Once You Go Here, You Can Go Anywhere" ™ Basic Skills Math Improvement Rates Cohort = Students enrolled in Math 101 in 2004 or 2005 who indicated goal of degree completion and or transfer. 66% 55% Source: WHCCD Data Warehouse 35% Any term between spring 2004 to spring ? New Requirements 66% 55% 35%
"Once You Go Here, You Can Go Anywhere" ™ Basic Skills English Improvement Rates Cohort = Students enrolled in English 105A in 2004 or 2005 who indicated goal of degree completion and or transfer. 55% 44% Source: WHCCD Data Warehouse 62% Any term between spring 2004 to spring ? New Requirements 55% 44%
"Once You Go Here, You Can Go Anywhere" ™ High School Level Data - Fall 2009 Math and Writing Placement Source: WHCCD Data Warehouse
"Once You Go Here, You Can Go Anywhere" ™ College Readiness vs. CA Standards
"Once You Go Here, You Can Go Anywhere" ™ Source: Cal-Pass
"Once You Go Here, You Can Go Anywhere" ™ Source: Cal-Pass
"Once You Go Here, You Can Go Anywhere" ™ Data Into Action 1.Begun working with high school superintendents. 2.Develop process to bring high school and community college core curriculum teachers together to align curriculum. 3.Finding a common data system to track student progress and performance from high school to postsecondary institutions. 4.Evaluating placement tools for English and Math at the community college.
"Once You Go Here, You Can Go Anywhere" ™ WHCCD Performance Indicators Meet FTES Growth Target 2. Marketing 3. Community Participation Rates 4.1a Face-to-Face Course Success Rates 4.1b Online Course Success Rates 4.2 Student Transfer Rates* 4.3 Student Completion Rates* 5. High School Participation Rates* WHCCD SCORE CARD * Based on student cohorts Developing Baseline Meets Benchmark Slightly Below Benchmark Below Benchmark Increasing Trend Declining Trend Steady Trend Exceeds Benchmark