Example Question: The same substance always has the same _____________?
How old is the Solar System? How about the Universe? (Don’t guess? Check your ESRT)
Name and describe the two different types of planets
Mercury Closest to the sun very hot days/very cold nights No atmosphere. Rotation and Revolution?
Venus Thick atmosphere making it extremely hot all the time Lots of CO2 Greenhouse effect out of control
Earth Only planet with liquid water. Most dense (5.5)
Mars : AKA The Red Planet (hematite) Ice located at the poles
Jupiter Largest planet Almost a star Large storm 2x size of Earth
Saturn : Rings Least dense (0.7) 62 moons (Titan)
Uranus : Axis is tipped 89* Why?
Neptune Lots of Methane giving it its blue appearance
What else is out there?
=7lIhQNvLkaYhttp:// =7lIhQNvLkaY meteor shower
What is the name given to the celestial object below? Do you think its’ orbit around the sun is MORE or Less elliptical as compared to Earth?
How can you tell the difference between a meteorite and a regular Earth rock?
What is the name given to the largest asteroid? What is their size range?