CHRISTMAS TIME IN ZARAGOZA (SPAIN) Christmas in Spain starts on the night of 24 th of December with the birth of Jesus.
Christmas Eve is known as Nochebuena or "the Good Night." It is a time for family members to meet together to rejoice around the Nativity scenes that are present in nearly every home. A traditional Christmas treat is “turrón”, a kind of almond candy.
24 th OF DECEMBER. Jesus was born with his mother Mary (María) and his father Joseph (José). Children think of the Three Wise Men as the gift bearers.
Tradition has it that the wise men arrive on the 6 th of January, to give gifts to the baby Jesus.
6 th OF JANUARY It’s on this day in Spain, that children receive their presents, which are traditionally left by The Three Kings (Los Reyes Magos) rather than Father Christmas or Santa Claus.
Parents encourage their children to write to the Three Kings.
Most families have a "belén" (nativity scene) on display in their homes and they eat together on Christmas Eve.
IN SPAIN… In Spain, at Christmas time, we decorate the streets with lights and the shops are full of Christmas things, fairy lights, Christmas trees, figures of the “belén” (Bethlehem), etc.
ABOUT OUR FOOD… Three special meals are most common in our Spanish celebrations at Christmas time: -Christmas Eve (as from 9pm) -New Year's Eve (as from 9pm) -Three Kings (as from 2pm)
Spanish food is served on many different plates in the middle of the table. It’s common to eat traditional food such as dates, pork, turkey, lamb, fish and seafood.
On the 31 st of December (New Year’s Eve), an old tradition is to eat twelve grapes as the clock strikes twelve.
On the morning of the 1 st of January the Spanish tradition is to drink hot chocolate and dip “churros” (fritters) in it. This can be eaten at home or in special coffee shops called “churrerías”
On the 6 th of January, Spain has the habit of eating the Kings' traditional “Roscón”. Inside this creamy cake is a small surprise present (like Christmas cracker presents).