Celebrate America! United States Symbols
Symbols of America American Flag Statue of Liberty Liberty Bell Bald Eagle
American Flag Fun Facts May Betsy Ross sewed first American Flag 13 stars and stripes – 13 colonies Today: 7 red stripes, 6 white for original 13 colonies 50 stars: 1 for each state
American Flag
Happy Birthday America! July 4, 1884 – France gave U.S. a birthday gift: The Statue of Liberty! Engineer Gustave Eiffel Designed Liberty’s “spine.” Frédéric-Auguste Bartholdi It took 21 years to create idea
Fun Facts Height: 151 feet, 1 inch tall Arm: 46 feet Index Finger: 8 feet Nose: 5 feet 300 sheets of coin-thin copper 354 steps, 25 windows of the crown 7 rays in crown to represent 7 seas In the wind, statue sways 3 inches; torch sways 5 inches.
Paris, France The Statue of Liberty being built in Paris, France
Paris, France The head of the Statue of Liberty on display in a park in Paris, France.
Let Freedom Ring! Cast in 1752 in London, England Re-cast in 1753 in Philadelphia, PA The Bell weighs 2080 pounds 70% Copper, 25% tin, and small amounts of lead, zinc, arsenic, gold and silver First crack during testing, recast twice
Fun Facts Rang at first public reading of the Declaration of Independence Rang for George Washington’s Birthday and hours later it received fatal crack
Liberty Bell Crack: 24.5 inches long by ½ inch wide Height: 3 feet Width: 12 feet
Soaring with Pride
The Bald Eagle Great Seal of USA was adopted on June 20, 1782 Took 6 years to become the official National bird JFK: “The fierce beauty and proud independence of this great bird aptly symbolizes the strength and freedom of America.”
The National Bird Benjamin Franklin wanted the turkey! 1789, Washington became 1 st president, the Bald Eagle became our Nation’s official bird
Fun Facts ONLY eagle found ONLY in North America Large and powerful Males weigh between 7-10 pounds Females weighing up to 14 pounds Wingspan: 6 to 8 feet Lay 2 or 3 eggs each year Eggs hatch after 35 days After 3 months, eaglets can fly The white crown does not appear until 4 or 5 years Live 30 years
Protecting the Bald Eagle National Emblem Act of 1940 protects the Bald Eagle along with the Endangered Species Act
Sesame Street Sesame Street
Bald Eagle