Michigan’s income rank aligned with our college attainment rank 1
10 Most Prosperous Regions San Jose/San Fran. NY/Newark Washington/Balt. Boston/Worchester Hartford 2 Seattle Philadelphia Denver/Boulder Minneapolis San Diego
Larger metros smarter 3
Major metros richer 4
Large metros winning in private sector earnings 5
Traits of prosperous states 6
Metro Detroit vs. Metro Minneapolis Rank among 54 metros 1 million population or more CityPer cap income Education attainment Share of wages from knowledge industry Minneapolis9710 Detroit383534
Metro Grand Rapids vs. Metro Minneapolis CityPer cap income Education attainment Share of wages from knowledge industry Minneapolis9710 Grand Rapids Rank among 54 metros 1 million population or more
Metro Lansing vs. Metro Madison CityPer cap income % bachelors degree or more Share of wages from knowledge industries Madison $ 43, % % Lansing $ 32, % 61.5 % data