Chapter 1 Physical properties of powder particles 1.1 Characterization of single particle 1.2 Flow behavior of single particle 1.3 Particle size distribution.


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非均相物系的分离 沉降速度 球形颗粒的 :一、自由沉降 二、沉降速度的计算 三、直径计算 1. 试差法 2. 摩擦数群法 四、非球形颗粒的自由沉降 1. 当量直径 de :与颗粒体积相等的圆球直径 V P — 颗粒的实际体积 2. 球形度  s : S—— 与颗粒实际体积相等的球形表面积.
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第一节 相图基本知识 1 三元相图的主要特点 (1)是立体图形,主要由曲面构成; (2)可发生四相平衡转变; (3)一、二、三相区为一空间。
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§8-3 电 场 强 度 一、电场 近代物理证明:电场是一种物质。它具有能量、 动量、质量。 电荷 电场 电荷 电场对外的表现 : 1) 电场中的电荷要受到电场力的作用 ; 2) 电场力可移动电荷作功.
Department of Mathematics 第二章 解析函数 第一节 解析函数的概念 与 C-R 条件 第二节 初等解析函数 第三节 初等多值函数.
Properties, Handling and Mixing of Particulate Solids
首 页 首 页 上一页 下一页 本讲内容本讲内容 视图,剖视图(Ⅰ) 复习: P107 ~ P115 作业: P48(6-2,6-4), P49( 去 6-6) P50, P51(6-13), P52 P50, P51(6-13), P52 P53 (6-18,6-20) P53 (6-18,6-20)
名探柯南在侦查一个特大盗窃集团过程 中,获得藏有宝物的密码箱,密码究竟 是什么呢?请看信息: ABCDEF( 每个字 母表示一个数字 ) A :是所有自然数的因数 B :既有因数 5 ,又是 5 的倍数 C :既是偶数又是质数 D :既是奇数又是合数 EF :是 2 、 3 、 5 的最小公倍数.
1 物体转动惯量的测量 南昌大学理学院
§10.2 对偶空间 一、对偶空间与对偶基 二、对偶空间的有关结果 三、例题讲析.
第三章 正弦交流电路.
7 生产费用在完工产品与在产 品之间分配的核算. 2 第七章 生产费用在完工产品与在产品之 间的分配  知识点 :  理解在产品的概念  掌握生产费用在完工产品与在产品之间的分 配.
密立根油滴实验 理学院物理实验教学中心 大学物理实验. 一、实验目的  通过对实验仪器的调整,油滴的选择、跟 踪和测量,以及实验数据处理等,培养学 生严谨的科学实验态度。  通过对带电油滴在重力场和静电场中运动 的测量,验证电荷的不连续性,并测定基 本电荷值。  测定基本电荷;
力的合成 力的合成 一、力的合成 二、力的平行四边形 上一页下一页 目 录 退 出. 一、力的合成 O. O. 1. 合力与分力 我们常常用 一个力来代替几个力。如果这个 力单独作用在物体上的效果与原 来几个力共同作用在物体上的效 果完全一样,那么,这一个力就 叫做那几个力的合力,而那几个 力就是这个力的分力。
第四章 不定积分. 二、 第二类换元积分法 一、 第一类换元积分法 4.2 换元积分法 第二类换元法 第一类换元法 基本思路 设 可导, 则有.
化学反应的限度 化学平衡常数 青岛第一中学 杜春玲. N 2 (g) + 3 H 2 (g) 2NH 3 (g) 利用氮、氢为原料合成氨的工业化生产曾是一个 较难的课题,从第一次实验室研制到工业化投产,约 经历了 150 年的时间。 哈伯的合成氨的设想经历了四年几千次的实验在 1913 年得以实现,在.
Summary of Curved Solids 曲曲曲曲 面面面面 立立立立 体体体体 概概概概 述述述述 Right Cylinder 圆圆圆圆 柱柱柱柱 体体体体 Cone 圆圆圆圆 锥锥锥锥 体体体体 Sphere 圆圆圆圆 球球球球 体体体体Exercise 练练练练 习习习习 题题题题.
第三节混凝土的主要技术性质 一、砼的和易性定义 二、和易性的指标 三、和易性的选择 四、影响和易性的因素 五、调整和易性的措施.
八. 真核生物的转录 ㈠ 特点 ① 转录单元为单顺反子( single cistron ),每 个蛋白质基因都有自身的启动子,从而造成在功能 上相关而又独立的基因之间具有更复杂的调控系统。 ② RNA 聚合酶的高度分工,由 3 种不同的酶催化转 录不同的 RNA 。 ③ 需要基本转录因子与转录调控因子的参与,这.
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§5.6 利用希尔伯特 (Hilbert) 变换 研究系统的约束特性 希尔伯特变换的引入 可实现系统的网络函数与希尔伯特变换.
欢 迎 使 用 《工程流体力学》 多媒体授课系统 燕 山 大 学 《工程流体力学》课程组. 第九章 缝隙流动 概述 9.1 两固定平板间的层流流动 9.2 具有相对运动的两平行平板 间的缝隙流动 9.3 环形缝隙中的层流流动.
霍尔效应及其应用 汪礼胜 武汉理工大学物理实验中心. 【实验目的】 1 、研究霍尔效应的基本特性 ( 1 )了解霍尔效应实验原理以及有关霍尔器件 对材料要求的知识; ( 2 )测绘霍尔元件的 和 曲线; ( 3 )确定霍尔元件的导电类型,测量其霍尔系 数、载流子浓度以及迁移率。 2 、应用霍尔效应测量磁场(选做)
1 第三章 数列 数列的概念 考点 搜索 ●数列的概念 ●数列通项公式的求解方法 ●用函数的观点理解数列 高考 猜想 以递推数列、新情境下的 数列为载体, 重点考查数列的通 项及性质, 是近年来高考的热点, 也是考题难点之所在.
三、灰表面间的辐射换热 1 、有效辐射 J ( Radiosity ) : 黑体表面: 在灰体表面间存在多次吸收、反射现象 — 黑体不反射 灰体表面: — 灰体反射 假设:灰体; ;投射辐射 G 有效辐射 J :单位时间内、由灰体 的单位表面积所射离的总能量 有效辐射 J 为灰体本身的辐射(辐 射力.
§9. 恒定电流场 第一章 静电场 恒定电流场. 电流强度  电流:电荷的定向移动  正负电荷反方向运动产生的电磁效应相同 ( 霍尔效应 特例 ) 规定正电荷流动的方向为正方向  电流方向:正方向、反方向  电流强度 ( 电流 ) A 安培 标量 单位时间通过某一截面的电荷.
目录 上页 下页 返回 结束 二、无界函数反常积分的审敛法 * 第五节 反常积分 无穷限的反常积分 无界函数的反常积分 一、无穷限反常积分的审敛法 反常积分的审敛法  函数 第五章 第五章.
1. Characterization of single particles. Particle characterization is important in all aspects of particle production, manufacturing, handling, processing,
一、弧微分 规定:   单调增函数 如图,   弧微分公式 二、曲率及其计算公式 曲率是描述曲线局部性质(弯曲程度)的量. ) ) 弧段弯曲程度 越大转角越大 转角相同弧段越 短弯曲程度越大 1 、曲率的定义 )
高 频 电 子 线 路高 频 电 子 线 路 主讲 元辉 5.5 晶体振荡器 石英晶体振荡器的频率稳定度 1 、石英晶体谐振器具有很高的标准性。 、石英晶体谐振器与有源器件的接入系数通常近似 如下 受外界不稳定因素的影响少。 3 、石英晶体谐振器具有非常高的值。 维持振荡频率稳定不变的能力极强。
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Presentation transcript:

Chapter 1 Physical properties of powder particles 1.1 Characterization of single particle 1.2 Flow behavior of single particle 1.3 Particle size distribution and mean equivalent diameter 1.4 particles aggregation 1.5 Particle density 1.6 Particle voidage 1.7 Angle of powder particles

1.3 Particle size distribution and average equivalent diameter Particle size distribution The most commonly used method for classifying powders is to sieve the particles through a series of screens with standardized mesh size by shifting, swirling, shaking or vibrating. There are different kinds of standard mesh sizes and the most commonly used is the Tyler sieve size. The mesh number of a sieve refers to the number of parallel wires per inch in the weave of the screen.

Standard mesh sizes : Tyler sieve size Mesh number : The number of parallel wires per inch in the wave of the screen Sieve excess : the amount of particles pass through the sieve sieve residue : the amount of particles trapped in the sieve 1 、 sieve analysis and the standard mesh sizes Question : what is the mean diameter of the trapped particles between adjacent two mesh?

1.3.1 Particle size distribution There are two kinds of methods to calculate the mean aperture distance between two adjacent mesh. The most commonly used is the geometric mean value geometric mean value : arithmetic mean value :

1.3.1 Particle size distribution When the particle is very small, less than 100  m, the sieve analysis can not accurately measure the particle diameter. The commonly instrumental analysis methods includes : Electric Conductivity technique (such as the Coulter counter, Elzone particle size analyzer), Sedimentation technique (such as the series of SediGraph tester of Micromeritics’), Microscopy technique (optical or electron microscopy), The image technique (such as the series of AccuSizer tester of PSS’) and laser diffraction technique.

1.3.1 Particle size distribution Electric Conductivity technique : suspend particles in an electrolyte, force the particles through a small aperture,then determine the particle diameter according to the conductivity change. Sedimentation technique obtain the particle size distribution by measuring the terminal settling velocity in the fluid. Microscopy technique and image analysis measures particle size by optical or electronic microscopy. Laser diffraction technique measures particle diameter according to different diffraction effects by different particle sizes.

1.3.1Particle size distribution 描述颗粒群的粒度分布有不同的基准,如质量基准、体积基准、 颗粒数基准等。例如,质量基准是用颗粒群中各个粒度范围的颗粒 质量在颗粒群总质量中所占的份额(质量百分数)来描述分布的。 按一定基准测得的粒度分布数据有 3 种表示形式:即表格形式、图 示形式和函数形式。

1.3.1Particle size distribution Table is the most simple, the curve of particle size distribution is intuitive comparatively and the function is easier to handle. There are two kinds of curves to express the particle size distribution. The first curve shows the percentage of particles in different size d i and directly reflects the size distribution; the other gives the cumulative particle size distribution.

Particle size distribution can be conveniently expressed as a cumulative distribution in the terms of particle size versus weight, volume, or number fraction of particles smaller or larger than the stated particle size.

 Probability function f of distribution 0 频率函数 f 粒径 d p d p,i fifi Definition : The weight fraction of particles in a certain size range is equal to the area under the frequency curve in this range of particle size; sieve analysis results d i-1 <d p <d i-2 d i <d p <d i-1 d i+1 <d p <d i Question :total area under the curve equals to ?

 function of Particle size distribution F 0 Distribution function F Particle size d p d p,i d p,max 1.0 FiFi Definition : The value of F i indicates the mass fraction of the particles with a diameter less than d p,i 0 Frequency function f Particle size d p d p,i fifi Question :1. What’s the value at the maximum diameter d p,max 2 、 What is the relationship between the probability function f and distribution function F? d 50

1.3.2 equivalent mean diameter( 颗粒群的平均当量直径 ) The equivalent mean diameter calculated by particle size distribution is not only related to the expression form of particle size composition (such as in the terms of particle size versus weight, volume, or number fraction of particles), but also related to mathematical methods which used to calculate the mean diameter. What people concern about is the mass fraction or volume fraction of particles in the fluidized bed. And the mass fraction is the most accessible, so the most commonly used is the mean diameter in the terms of weight.

1.3.2 Equivalent mean diameter Suppose in a certain amount of particulate material, the mass fraction of particles with diameter d1 d1 is x1 x1 ; the mass fraction of particles with diameter d2 d2 is x2 x2 …… the mass fraction of particles with diameter dn dn is xn xn. The method to express the equivalent mean diameter are: Arithmetic mean equivalent diameter : Mean surface equivalent diameter :

1.3.2 equivalent mean diameter volume equivalent diameter : specific surface equivalent diameter : Which form of equivalent mean diameter to be chosen depends on its practical application. For the fluidized bed, mean specific surface area equivalent diameter is generally used. Because the one people concerned most in the chemical reaction is the surface area,and the amount of packing in the fluidized bed is often calculated in the terms of volume (or mass). The specific surface area is the key parameter to contact both of them.

Particle size distribution : (understood ) Summary : Particle size distribution and equivalent mean diameter Tyler sieving 、 geometric mean value 、 arithmetic mean value equivalent mean diameter: arithmetic mean equivalent diameter mean surface area equivalent diameter mean volume equivalent diameter mean special surface area equivalent diameter


1.5 agglomeration ( 颗粒的团聚性 ) The behavior of particles is largely no longer subject to gravity when the interaction between particles is much larger than the particle gravity. Advantages :improve the fluidity of particles ; reduce dust ; easy packing. Disadvantage : the particles must be mixed before operation interaction between particles : Van der Waals force; capillary force; electrostatic force, etc.

When there is no gas adsorption effect on the FCC catalyst, the change of agglomeration number over particle size is shown in the figure below. The agglomeration will be more serious when the particle size becomes smaller. The agglomeration number is greater than 10 6 for the particle of size less than 1μm. Therefore, smaller particles are more likely to form agglomerates with the interaction between particles. 1.5 agglomeration ( 颗粒的团聚性 )

10nm FCC 颗粒的聚团强度可高达 10 8 Pa ,可见 10nm 的 FCC 颗粒将以聚团的形 式存在。 1μm FCC 颗粒的聚团强度约为 10 4 Pa ,即约为 lm 水柱。 The smaller the particle,the more easily the agglomeration 所形成的聚团强度越大! 1.5 agglomeration ( 颗粒的团聚性 )

Bulk density of particles, ρ b

Bulk density  b : 1.5 Several definitions of the particle density and the measurement 充气密度:将已知质量的催化剂装入量筒中颠倒摇动,然后将量筒直 立,待样品全部落下时读其体积,此时测得的密度为充气密 度,又称松装密度 沉降密度:依上述方法将量筒静置 2min ,读其体积,此时测得的密度为 沉降密度,又称自由堆积密度 敦实密度:将装有已知质量颗粒的量筒在特定仪器上振动数次,直至体 积不变为止,读其体积,此时测得的密度为压紧密度,又称 敦实密度

1.6 Several definitions of the particle density and the measurement

1.6 Voidage of the particles Voidage of the particles  : The voids volume V v divided by particle’s overall volume V B voidage of the particles depends on the particle shape, size distribution and the packing arrangement. The loose packing voidage and the compact packing voidage are commonly used.

Impact of particle size and shape on the loose packing voidage: the voidage of irregular particle is bigger than that of spherical particles. The following table shows the influence of particle size distribution on the loose packing voidage, we can find that the voidage of the particles with a wide size distribution is smaller than that of the particles with a narrow one. 1.6 Voidage of the particles

When powders are poured on a horizontal plane, the accumulation volume will increases but the repose angle α remain unchanged. When the cylinder rotates, the surface of the powders is not to maintain horizontal, but keep an angle α with the horizontal plane When lift the container which filled with powders, powders remain motionless until the angle between the container and the flat surface reaches α. Differences between fluid and powders: 1.7 Repose angle

Repose angle Experiments show that for the same powders, the angles mentioned above are equivalent (angle between the top of a pile of powders and the horizontal plane 、 angle between the particles in the container and the horizontal surface 、 angle between the particles in the rotation cylinder and the horizontal surface). This angle is referred to as the repose angle. The measurement methods of the repose angle are shown as below

The repose angle of spherical particles is relatively small and generally between 23 ~ 28 o, and these particles have good flow properties.The repose angle of regular particles is about 30 o, the irregular particle is about 35 o, the extremely irregular is about 40 o and the flow properties of these particles is bad.

Repose angle compressibility and agglomeration of the fine particles are strong, the repose angle is related to the process variables, such as the outflow velocity of powder from the container 、 lifting speed of the container and rotational speed of the cylinder. So the repose angle is not the physical property.

Angle of collapse The angle of repose resulting from a jarring effect Angle of difference The difference between the angle of repose and the angle of fall Angle of slide The angle from the horizontal of an inclined surface on which an amount of particles will slide downward due to the influence of gravity. Why the catalyst circulation line is tilt ? Why does the feeding line to be designed with a larger radius of curvature of the elbow? Why dose the bottom of the fluidized bed be designed to be conical? What’s the factors that affect cone angle?

1.7 Summary definition and measurement of the angle of repose The angle of repose for spherical particles is relatively small and generally between 23 ~ 28 o, and these particles have good flow properties The angle of repose for regular particles is about 30 o The angle of repose for irregular particle is about 35 o The angle of repose for the extremely irregular particle is about 40 o and the flow property is bad