F.C. Announcements You should have received your school i.d. by this time. If you lose yours, we have a duplicate that you can purchase for $5.00. If you lose that one, you will not be able to replace it. You will need your i.d.’s for the upcoming homecoming dances.
F.C. Announcements The Game is On – the Blue Springs vs. Blue Springs South football game is set for Friday, September 5. Show your support for your team by purchasing a GAME ON t-shirt for only $8.00 at lunch. $1 from each sale will be contributed to the Community Services League for Community Unity Week. T-Shirt sales will be for sale on August 29 th and the following week on Sept. 3 rd,4 th, and 5 th.
F.C. Announcements Here are some important dates that are coming up: September 22 nd -Teacher Professional Day-NO SCHOOL September 24 th -Parent-Teacher conferences from 3:00-8:00 p.m.
F.C. Announcements Discover your world and explore new cultures or your own through dance, film, literature, music, photography or visual arts. Ne experience is required to participate in REFLECTIONS! Choose the arts category you’re interested in, create an original piece of artwork based on the theme: “The world would be a better place if…” and be recognized as an artist in your community. Pick up a PTA Reflections Entry Form today from the front office and return by Wednesday, November 5, Students are not limited; you may submit an entry in more than one category or submit multiple entries in the same.
BSHS Announcements Wildcats will host Lee’s Summit at their homecoming game on September 19 th. The dance will be held on the 20 th, more information will follow. You will need your picture i.d.
BSHS Announcements BS C team softball at Liberty has been cancelled
BSSHS Announcements South will host Lee’s Summit North in our homecoming game on Friday October 10 th. Homecoming dance will be on the 11 th, more information will follow. You will need to have your picture i.d.
BSSHS Announcements Freshman Volleyball VS Ray-Pec Freshman A (L) Set 1: 6-25 Set 2: Freshman B (W) Set 1: Set 2: Set 3: 25-23
BSSHS Announcements BSS C softball at Kearney has been cancelled