EHR Systems Use and Quality in Serbia EHR Systems Quality Labelling and Certification November 2011, Belgrade
Country context - Basic facts about Serbia Health Insurance Fund (HIF): national, mandatory, Bismarck model million of insured persons. less than €2 billion budget. last 5 years “from NO IT to ALL IT” had domino effect to health care providers. EHR Systems Quality Labelling and Certification November 2011, Belgrade
EHR systems: market EHR in 70% PHC and 15% hospitals. 8 certified EHR applications by the Ministry of Health. 3 certified by ProRec, received EuroRec Seal In primary healthcare: 90% shared by three major vandors. Rapid evolution of the market during the last five years – Quantity & Quality. EHR Systems Quality Labelling and Certification November 2011, Belgrade
EHR systems : legal/regulatory context EHR Systems Quality Labelling and Certification November 2011, Belgrade Law on health care evidences IT rulebook published in the Official Gazette
EHR systems: Quality Assessment Ministry of Health: ◦Strongly supports EHR systems developments in health sector HIF: ◦Sets its own example how institution can benefit from investing in ICT ◦Constantly striving for more interoperability and more advanced electronic data-exchange Certified EHR systems widely recognized as irreplaceable tool EHR Systems Quality Labelling and Certification November 2011, Belgrade
Initiatives, plans, ongoing projects
Establishing of Infrastructure DILS SHP-AF LIS RIS EHR Systems Quality Labelling and Certification November 2011, Belgrade
New Health Insurance Card / EHR Systems Quality Labelling and Certification November 2011, Belgrade
HIF - on line ! 9 EHR Systems Quality Labelling and Certification November 2011, Belgrade
Ideas, proposals Recognition of results done so far. Further implementation of EU standards, by improving and maintaining certification process Ensure sustainability Legislative to 21 St century EHR Systems Quality Labelling and Certification November 2011, Belgrade
Thank you for your attention! Thank you for your attention! EHR Systems Quality Labelling and Certification November 2011, Belgrade