1 Mongolia - Vision Long term vision All residents of the capital city (Ulaanbaatar) of Mongolia will have access to improved water supply and sanitation facilities by 2030, which is estimated to be about 50.3% of the total population. Focus for Focus on increasing political prioritization of water, sanitation and hygiene Strengthen the national WASH monitoring systems of communities, schools and health centres for assessing the national water and sanitation progress with equity. Create financial, institutional and human resource capacity to scale-up community based sanitation programmes (elimination of open defecation) in priority areas and promote sanitation as the entry point for delivering integrated WASH services. Sanitation: 53% use improved toilets nationally 26% practice open defecation in rural areas GDP losses: Mongolia loses USD 26 million a year (equal to 3.5 % of GDP) due to poor sanitation Water: 85% have access to improved water, but rural areas have only 53% access.
2 Challenges Key bottlenecks Weak national sanitation policy. Lack of clarity on institutional roles and responsibilities for water and sanitation in schools and health centres. Lack of national level assessment of WASH in schools and health centres. Lack of clearly defined national standards or agreed upon performance indicators for hygiene promotion. Unavailability of disaggregated data regarding WASH government expenditure. Lack of specific measured government financing plans to target resources to reduce inequalities in access and level of service of water and sanitation. Tools used: 2013 GLAAS
3 Progress on 2012 commitments Did not Attend in 2012
Commitments MCUD (Ministry of Construction and Urban Development) will lead annual evaluations and tracking system for water and sanitation indicators in close collaboration with the line ministries (Ministry of Education and Ministry of Health) and sectoral partners Invest over 622 billion MNT on water and sanitation, with about 70% of this amount committed to activities in 2014 to 2016, increasing access to safe and sustainable sanitation services. MCUD in collaboration with the Ministry of Finance will hold regular public expenditure reviews to monitor the actual budget expenditure from domestic resources allocated to the Drinking Water and Sanitation Sector. Ensure that the Ministry of Health, as the related accountable institution takes clear leadership of the national sanitation portfolio, and promotes sanitation and hygiene in addition to education Carry out a review of the National Programme on “1000 apartments for each province”, on water and sanitation and publish evidence Equality Finance Monitoring Transparency Sustainability Evidence Coordination Equality