TIARA-PP Governing Council 1 representative per contractor TIARA-PP Coordinator Industry advisory committee? Project Management (WP1) Project Office Dissemination assistant: Web master: Assistant financial matters: Assistant legal matters: Administrative assistant: Governance (WP2) R&D Infrastructure (WP3) R&D program (WP4) WPn+1 WPn+2 WP… Organizational WP “Projects” WP Education and Training (WP5) Industry involvement (WP6) TIARA-PP WP breakdown
WP2: Governance of TIARA Objective: Developing governance that would allow one to involve as many fields as possible List of issues to be addressed Term of reference (mandate, domain of competence, perimeter (field, type of infrastructures)...) Identification of Needs to achieve TIARA objectives Composition, Term and Location of central coordination Interactions with other bodies Financing model for infrastructures and R&D programs Recommendations on National organization Overall legal structure of the central coordination (need to include EC in the work) including reporting and organization chart … WP1: Management of the consortium Organization of the Preparatory Phase Dissemination and outreach Organizational WP for general issues The idea is to go through the issues covered by each WP (add/remove) and agree on the ones deemed necessary as the guideline for the WP coordinators
WP3: Accelerator R&D Infrastructures in Europe Objective: Integrating and optimizing the European Infrastructures for accelerator R&D List of issues to be addressed Survey and identification of infrastructures (Valorization of infrastructure and operation costs) to be part of TIARA Access modalities to the R&D infrastructures Evaluation of the upgrades and/or new infrastructures needed for the R&D (For exploratory R&D, Targeted R&D and industrialization R&D) for example, one should consider o Study of the needs, synergies and means for a European (single sited or distributed) R&D infrastructure for high power targetry o Study of the needs, synergies and means for a European (single sited or distributed) R&D infrastructure for a multi-GeV laser/beam driver plasma acceleration o Study of the needs, synergies and means for a (single sited or distributed) R&D infrastructure for the Production of intense positron beam for material analysis o … Improving the coordination with non European accelerator R&D infrastructures
WP4: Joint R&D programming Objective: Defining a Joint R&D Programme in the field of accelerator science List of issues to be addressed Prospective on future or foreseeable new large accelerator based infrastructures (SLHC, ESS, IFMIF, ILC/CLIC, Neutrino and flavor factories, EURISOL, 4 th generation light sources…) and identification of R&D synergies Prospective on emerging ideas and technologies Defining the accelerator R&D program Procedure for identifying and launching R&D projects Common methodology for evaluating accelerator costs Improving the coordination with non European accelerator R&D programs WP5: Education and Training for accelerator sciences Objective: Developing education and training for accelerator research in Europe List of issues to be addressed Making a Survey of the students and the cursus in Europe in the field of Accelerator Science Making a “market” and prospective study of the Needs for Accelerator Scientists (physicists and engineers) for research and in industry Recommendations on actions for promoting accelerator sciences in the universities, doctoral studies and postdoctoral opportunities Evaluation of cost
WP6: Involving Industry Objective: Investigating how industry can be involved in the programs, projects and actions carried out by TIARA List of issues to be addressed Understanding the Industry Needs for Accelerators and related Accelerator R&D infrastructures and Programs. Investigating how to industrialize recent technologies Technology Roadmap for industrial development of future accelerator components What is the best model for associating industry to TIARA Integrating business parks and R&D accelerator R&D infrastructure complex
WP for Specific projects (if needed) Here projects planning to go to a preparatory phase (or close to the construction phase) and needing organization work could be included; this will give a clear signal to the EC and member states; Some technical work is not excluded but the requested cost to the EC cannot be large (at most 500k€ per projects depending on the total of such WPs). For example, each following project (not an exhaustive list) could be a WP Getting organized and improve CTF/CLIC to be ready to launch a TDR Getting organized to launch a TDR for a neutrino intense-beam facility Getting organized to launch the construction of a B Factory Getting organized to launch a TDR for EURISOL other suggestions?
WPn+1 – WPm: on going R&D for specific projects and related large R&D infrastructures; SLHC Phase I and II CLIC: Multi Tev e+e- Linear Collider R&D and CLIC Test Facility ILC: Sub TeV Superconducting International LC ? B factory and Tests at DAPhNE Intense Neutrino beam production and MICE+… FAIR Phase II High intensity proton linacs for ESS, IFMIF… … WP not directly supported by the EC in this proposal This is mandatory as it is requested to demonstrate that what we request is a small fraction of the total cost of the R&D infrastructure being set up