... LIFE IN ALL ITS FULLNESS ST FRANCIS XAVIER’S COLLEGE CATHOLIC ACADEMY The Pastoral Team Executive Headteacher – Mr Rippon Head of School – Mr Flowers Deputy Head teachers – Bro Peter and Mrs Fay Co-ordinator of Learning (Year 7)– Miss Staunton Assistant Co-ordinator of Learning (Year 7)– Mr Murphy
... LIFE IN ALL ITS FULLNESS ST FRANCIS XAVIER’S COLLEGE CATHOLIC ACADEMY St Francis Xavier’s College A Catholic Foundation School “Jesus came that we might have life… …life in all its fullness” John 10:10 Our Mission St Francis Xavier’s strives to build a Christian community of love and respect To educate young people to meet the challenges of life confidently To develop their unique talents to the full, and to live out the values of Christ and his Gospel.
... LIFE IN ALL ITS FULLNESS ST FRANCIS XAVIER’S COLLEGE CATHOLIC ACADEMY Educating the Whole person in a Catholic, Mennaisian setting Ofsted and Archdiocesan Reports Key Stage 4 progress now matching national figures Context
... LIFE IN ALL ITS FULLNESS ST FRANCIS XAVIER’S COLLEGE CATHOLIC ACADEMY Proportion of Pupils making Expected Progress (from KS2 to KS4) increased by 6% from % achieved a Grade C or above in English [National Boys only was 52.3%] 65.9% achieved a Grade C or above in Maths [National Boys only was 61.3%] * All Boys National data is taken from Exam analysis websitehttp:// Summer 2016 GCSE Results
... LIFE IN ALL ITS FULLNESS ST FRANCIS XAVIER’S COLLEGE CATHOLIC ACADEMY NEET figures = O% A third of all grades in Sixth Form are A*/A, Distinction*/Distinction 7 th Best Non Selective school for securing University entrance A Sunday Times Top 400 school (sixth form) Outstanding Grade in recent Archdiocesan inspection and monitoring visit Continuing Success
... LIFE IN ALL ITS FULLNESS ST FRANCIS XAVIER’S COLLEGE CATHOLIC ACADEMY The SFX Curriculum Delivers the full National Curriculum Caters for the full ability range Allows for setting in all subjects Encourages boys to work hard Allows for extra support in areas for development
... LIFE IN ALL ITS FULLNESS ST FRANCIS XAVIER’S COLLEGE CATHOLIC ACADEMY Subjects Studied English Maths Science RE ICT Careers Business & Enterprise skills Geography Music History Art Technology French Spanish PE PHSCE
... LIFE IN ALL ITS FULLNESS ST FRANCIS XAVIER’S COLLEGE CATHOLIC ACADEMY Setting Arrangements Will be based initially upon Key Stage 2 (primary school) results and data. English and Maths will use the results for their own subjects All other subjects will use the average of the English, and Maths scores Setting will be reviewed by all subjects twice per year
... LIFE IN ALL ITS FULLNESS ST FRANCIS XAVIER’S COLLEGE CATHOLIC ACADEMY Setting Arrangements First step is that boys will be placed into two, equal ability halves called yellow and green. These yellow and green bands will then be divided into 3 or 4 sets within the setting groups G1 & Y1 G2 & Y2 G3 & Y3 G4 (This set will be smaller)
... LIFE IN ALL ITS FULLNESS ST FRANCIS XAVIER’S COLLEGE CATHOLIC ACADEMY Pastoral Care at SFX “Students enjoy coming to school and have positive attitudes to learning. Students are polite and courteous. Pastoral care and the personal development of students are strengths of the school. ” Transition – Induction Day – “Life at SFX” booklet – Meeting with Parents – Pupil / Form Tutor meeting – First Day
... LIFE IN ALL ITS FULLNESS ST FRANCIS XAVIER’S COLLEGE CATHOLIC ACADEMY Admissions How to apply to the College – Complete the LA Online Preference Form, select SFX as one of your choices by 31 st October 2016 – Complete the SFX Application Form, return it to the College no later than 31st October 2016
... LIFE IN ALL ITS FULLNESS ST FRANCIS XAVIER’S COLLEGE CATHOLIC ACADEMY Criteria Criterion 1 Looked After or previously Looked After Boys Criterion 2 Baptised Catholics attending one of the named feeder primary schools Liverpool schools - Christ the King, St Paschal Baylon, Much Woolton, St Clare, St Gregory, Our Lady of Good Help, Bishop Eton, Our Lady of the Assumption. Knowsley Schools - Holy Family (Liverpool 25)*, St Andrew, St Mark.
... LIFE IN ALL ITS FULLNESS ST FRANCIS XAVIER’S COLLEGE CATHOLIC ACADEMY Criteria Criterion 3 Baptised Catholics living in one of the parishes listed below but who do not attend one of the named feeder primary schools. – Christ the King and Our Lady (incorporating former Parishes of Christ the King, Our Lady of Good Help and St Paschal Baylon), St Mary, St Clare, St John Almond (incorporating the former Parishes of St Gregory, St Cyril and Our Lady of the Assumption), Bishop Eton and St John Vianney (incorporating the former Parishes of Holy Family, St Andrew and St Mark) Criterion 4 Baptised Catholic boys who have a brother or sister at the college at the time of likely admission. This includes full, half or step brothers or sisters, adopted and foster brothers or sisters who are living at the same address and are part of the same family unit.
... LIFE IN ALL ITS FULLNESS ST FRANCIS XAVIER’S COLLEGE CATHOLIC ACADEMY Criterion 5 Baptised Catholic boys with an aptitude in Modern Languages up to a maximum of 10% for the year, as measured by the school’s testing procedures. Criterion 6 Baptised Catholic boys
... LIFE IN ALL ITS FULLNESS ST FRANCIS XAVIER’S COLLEGE CATHOLIC ACADEMY Criterion 7 Boys of other Christian denominations who have a brother or sister at the college at the time of likely admission Criterion 8 Boys of other Christian denominations.
... LIFE IN ALL ITS FULLNESS ST FRANCIS XAVIER’S COLLEGE CATHOLIC ACADEMY Criterion 9 Boys of other faiths. Criterion 10 Other Boys
... LIFE IN ALL ITS FULLNESS ST FRANCIS XAVIER’S COLLEGE CATHOLIC ACADEMY Touring and Leaving the College Visiting Departments Finding your way – please make sure you see our new Science block, Sports facilities and Music suite Refreshments Application Forms and Languages Aptitude Test information Enjoy the Evening
CATHOLIC ACADEMY ST FRANCIS XAVIER’S COLLEGE... LIFE IN ALL ITS FULLNESS Thank You For more information about SFX please visit or on Twitter