Description: Myers-Briggs Type Indicator Characteristics Four dichotomies 16 distinctive personality types Uses Career Learning Work Relationship Purposes Understandable Useful
Summary of Research Finding U.S Air Force Personality Types Population Officers vs. Enlisted Team Work Improvement Population Students
BMTI Psychometric Properties Reliability Data or experiments consistently yielding the same results Test-retest Time Over 40 Project-based learning Successful groups- ENTJ or ESTP Over 40
BMTI Psychometric Properties Validity instrument measures what it intends to measure Personality type Construct Target variable Measured accurately Project-based learning Group dynamic Positive – success Negative- team failure
References Myers and Briggs Foundation, (2015), Rodriguez Montequín, V. m., Mesa Fernandez, J., Balsera, J., & Garcia Nieto, A. (2010). Using MBTI for the success assessment of engineering teams in project-based learning. International Journal Of Technology & Design Education, 23(4), doi: /s Salkind, N. J. (2011). Statistics for people who (think they) hate statistics (4th ed.). Retrieved from The University of Phoenix eBooks Collection database.