Preparing for Adulthood 30 th June 2016
AGENDA Preparing for Adulthood 30 th June am -10:10am Welcome & Introductions 10:10am – 10:40am Links between CFA and the Care Act (KM) 10:40am – 11:30am Thinking about Outcomes (Debi Christie) 11:30am – 11:45am Coffee Break 11:45am – 12:30pm Employment Pathway (Jude Bel/KM) 12:30pm – 1:15pm Financial Assessment and process (Ken Gamby) 1:15pm – 2:00pm Networking Lunch 2:00 pm Close
The links between The Children & Families Act 2014 and the Care Act 2014
The Links Outcomes and Wellbeing Outcome focus CFA Preparing for Adulthood from Year 9 - Employment - Health - Independent Living - Friends, relationships and community CA Promote wellbeing and independence Choice and Control CFA focus on importance of parents + young people in decision making Local Offer CA duty to provide or arrange for the provision of services, facilities or resources
Assessment and Planning CFA Single, co-ordinated assessment – EHC Plan Assess Parent Carer/Young Carer if it appears they may have support needs. CA Assessment of young people 18 years + Child’s needs assessment if they are likely to require care + support post 18 At time when ‘significant benefit’ to their young person’s preparation for adulthood Carers assessment Joint Commissioning + Personal Budgets CFA Integrate Education, Health and Care Services to promote well-being Arrangements for Joint Commissioning of services CA Integrate care and support with health provision to promote wellbeing
Information, Advice & Support CFA Local Offer IAS CA IAS relating to care and support to individuals and relating to support for carers
So what are we doing in Bromley? 1. Developed a shared vision of improving life chances with young people, families and all key partners.
2. Raising aspirations for a fulfilling adult life by sharing clear information about what has already worked for others.
3. Developing a personalised approach to all aspects of support using person centred practices, personal budgets and building strong communities.
4. Developing outcome focussed multi-agency commissioning strategies that are informed by the voice of young people and families.
5. Developing post 16 options and support that lead to employment, independent living, good health, friends, relationships and community inclusion.
Social Care Innovation Fund Project Project funded by DfE and run by Council for Disabled Children to look at ways of improving the assessment process for families into Children’s Disability Team. 4 key phases: Discovery, Define, Co-design and Test Involved over 100 parents, schools, voluntary sector, local authority professionals and young people.
SCIF Outcomes Identified IssuesSCIF Solution Process takes too long, no clear eligibility criteria and too much assessment for low level need Online short breaks assessment process Not a consistent approach – when it works well it’s great Social worker ways of working Lack of communication and knowledge about what is ‘out there’ Advertising campaign/Time for me brand Over reliance on statutory services such as Riverside and Holybank Development of the Local Offer Needs to be linked to EHC PlanEHC questions, Young persons tool kit, making the ‘C’ and the ‘H’ in EHC Count in the new information pack The SCIF project has become not just about access to social services but is also focused on making sure that all children and young people with additional needs are able to lead as full a life as possible outside of school.