RESEARCH DATA MANAGEMENT A DEVELOPING TOPIC Many funders now declaring that underpinning data as well as outputs are made publicly available Researchers increasingly want to share data Datasets can be very large and/or contain sensitive data How do Universities support researchers better?
RESEARCH DATA MANAGEMENT A DEVELOPING TOPIC Working with academic staff to see what they need Set up a Research Data Management Steering Group Have a draft Data Management Policy Have audited staff in HLS on their data uses and needs; about to do same in TDE (semester 1) Plans to audit HSS and Business in Semester 2 (dates to be confirmed) Have got DMP Online (Data Management Plan Online – amended from DCC original) for academic colleagues to use to lay out their data requirements Have a Roadmap to demonstrate how meet EPSRC requirements on data management Are speaking to other providers eg Oxford to see if they can help us with data storage and data sharing
RESEARCH DATA MANAGEMENT A DEVELOPING TOPIC Some resources to help This is a set of generic information on funder policies, international and national data repositories, EPSRC roadmap etc on the RBDO webpage This is some more specific information on managing data on the Learning Resources website This is the link to RADAR, the University’s repository. Research data can be deposited here as well as outputs