Chapter 4.4 Guided Reading and Review Philosophy and Religion in China
A. Main Ideas 1. Confucianism: Based on the teachings of China’s most influential philosopher, Confucius. Confucius was concerned with ensuring social order and good government. He taught that the best kind of leader was one that could rule by good moral example. He stressed the importance of individual duties and responsibilities and of filial piety or respecting ones parents.
A. Main Ideas 2. Legalism: - Grew out of the teaching of Hanfeizi. Like Confucianism it was also concerned with social order, but believed that the only way to achieve order was through strict laws and harsh punishment.
A. Main Ideas 3. Daoism: Founded by Laozi. Daoists were concerned with living in harmony with nature Believed that the best government was one that governed the least.
B. Reviewing Key Terms 4. The Analects: The collected sayings of Confucius that were put together after his death by his students.
B. Reviewing Key Terms 5. Filial Piety: Respect for one’s parent
B. Reviewing Key Terms 6. “The Way”: Ending conflict between desires and the simple ways of nature