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What is a Webinar? A webinar, short for web-based seminar, is a presentation, lecture, workshop or seminar transmitted over the Internet.
What is a Webcast? Webcasts are very similar to traditional broadcasts but done over the Internet. Unlike a webinar, there is usually no interaction between the broadcaster and the viewer and no need to sign in.
What is a Podcast? Podcasts (or netcasts) are webcasts that are available in various audio and video file formats for download.
Finding Webinars Many different Groups, Government departments and Agencies produce various forms of webinars. Webinars are usually free, have a set schedule, and are available live or archived for a limited time.
Some Available Webinars Canadian Farm Business Management Council Alberta Canola Producers Commission The Alberta Institute of Agrologists
Preparing for a Webinar Since Webinars are usually live at a specific time (like a t.v. show), make sure to log-in early, and take care of any technical issues that may come up so you don’t miss part of the webinar.
Troubleshooting Webinars will usually run an auto check, or a link may be provided to see if your system meets the basic requirements to play the webinar. Additional downloads may be needed before certain webinars will play.
Software/Updates Some of the Software that needs to be installed and kept current: Acrobat Reader Flash Player QuickTime Player Windows Media Player Internet Explorer / Firefox® / Safari
Finding a Webinar/Webcast Many content providers make their videos available for mass distribution through YouTube. Do a search for some webcasts related to a subject matter of interest in Alberta.
Agriwebinar.com There are many great free resources available at this website along with many upcoming and archived Webinars.
Signing up for a Webinar
Viewing Webinars
Troubleshooting Flash-based webinars and videos may slow down or cut out if minimized or closed off of while running. Click back onto the webinar, keep the window active, and the video should fix itself.
Subscribing to Podcasts This a good way to keep organized and up-to-date with any new podcasts. Juice, Doppler, iTunes and mobile devices all have the ability to let people subscribe, organize and play podcasts.
Other Podcast Resources iTunes is a great place to search for both Video and Audio podcasts. iTunes has a vast library of podcasts from all over the world including episodes from right here in Alberta.
Searching for Podcasts iTunes can also manage and export any podcasts onto a mobile media format (like an mp3) for listening on-the-go. Podcasts can be downloaded from the iTunes store without an account straight in the Podcast Library.
Transfer and Go! By plugging in a iPod, iPhone, Smart Phone orMP3 player to iTunes; Podcasts, Webinars and Webcasts can be transferred over and taken anywhere with you.