GEPT Speaking: High-Intermediate Level Introduction By Cathy Chang
大綱 考試方法 評分標準 注意事項 問題範例: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3 Part 1Part 2Part 3 練習方法 線上資源
Introduction Time: 20 minutes Test Structure: 3 parts Part I: Answering Questions (8 total) 簡答 Questions 1~4: 15 seconds Questions 5~8: 30 seconds Part II: Picture Description 看圖申論 30 Seconds to 思考 1 min 30 seconds 回答 Part III: Discussion 議問題 1 min 30 seconds 思考 1 min 30 seconds 回答
考試標準與注意重點 級分 標準:答題適切、發音流利度、字彙語法、組織能力 — 溝通有效度 5 Task -- answer adequate and to the point, organized, Articulation – fluent, pronunciation clear, Language Usage -good command of vocabulary, usage correct (though with occasional errors) Communication–efficient communication 4 Answer mostly adequate and to the point, Pronunciation generally ok; Vocabulary and usage good enough for communication, Capable of responding to general questions; occasional errors does not affect communication 3 Can respond to familiar topics, not very fluent, with basic concept of grammar and command of vocabulary, occasional errors in pronunciation; the errors can affect communication; 2 Can only respond to simple topics; many errors in pronunciation and intonation; serious lack in grammatical concepts and vocabulary; limited abilities in communication 0 No answer
一般注意事項 Part Things to Remember 注意事項 Part I-1: Questions about yourself and how you would act in certain situations 1.注意題型:Pay attention to the question types (what, why, how, yes/no question) and the tense used in them. 2.答案不要太複雜,以免答不完:Don’t give too complicated answers; 2-3 sentences is enough. Part I-21.Question types: situation, opinion expression 2.有時問題有兩部分,都要回答 sentences: you need to watch time, though, as sometimes you may pause and think a bit. Part II: Describe and respond to questions about a picture 1.Time for thinking: 30 seconds – find the answers to the first 3 questions, and then look for other details in the picture. 2.時式:講故事用過去式,分析一般狀況用現在式. Part III: Read and discuss current issues 1.Time for thinking: 1 min 30 secs 2.Remember to not deal with too complicated or controversial issues which you cannot explain well in 1 min 30 secs. Talk about what you know and have experienced.
Part I: Answering Questions Sample Questions for Part I.1: How often do you wash your clothes and how do you wash them? When was the last time your family went out together. What did you do? Sample Questions for Part I.2: Do you watch your weight? What could a person do to lose weight? Should movies be rated? Please explain
Part II: Picture Description 1. What is the woman doing? 2. Why is she doing this? 3. Do you do this? Why or why not? ( 需要最多時間申論;前三題都要 回答。 ) 4. If you still have time, please describe the picture in as much detail as you can.
Part III: Discussion The Internet has become very popular these days. Do you use it? What can we do with the Internet and what problems might it cause? Please explain. 注意!問題也是分三部分,都要回答到。
Areas for Improvement 利用網路資源練習 勤練發音和流利度 Pronunciation Correctness and Fluency 發音:有些可以改的!例如 -- “m” sound ( 雙唇閉 ); 易混淆的發音 ([i] 長短音 ), [e] [ei] 等 ) You need to practice your jaw muscle and tongue movement, so reading out loud regularly helps. You can read out loud an article, and then respond the issues expressed in the article. Spotlight Listen and Read: (和同學或小老師)訓練反應能力 Responsiveness -- Be attentive to what is asked 線上英語自學中心
利用網路資源練習 … 規律學習,增加可以活用的字彙 Sufficient Language For Self- Expression – keeping expanding your vocabulary (with usage) e.g. 每日一句智慧語 ( ; e.g. Yahoo Education’s Word of the Day ( 改進文法 Grammatical Correctness – Practice, practice, practice ( 線上 文法習題 ) 記住情境會話的表達方式: [If you have time] memorize some expressions to use in some situations 英語怎麼說 Everyday English in Conversation