Step One - Know Your Target Research the company that you are applying to. –Use the internet or call the company for a brochure. Find out the organizations purpose, products and any recent news or company developments.
Step Two - Know Yourself Your job is to sell yourself. –Your SKILLS: list your accomplishments and then think of which skills it took to do them. –You THE PERSON: they are looking for honest, smart, friendly, motivated, and responsible employees.
Step Three – Practice Ask people to interview you – asking the hard questions. If you get a question you don’t understand, ask for clarification. If you don’t know the answer, simply say that you don’t know the answer.
Step Four – Dress The Part Can anyone judge what I am wearing? NO personality statements –That is for OUTSIDE the workplace –Don’t get yourself eliminated!!! Err on the side of conservative –Remember…what generation is your interviewer from?
General Suggestions Clean fingernails Pleasant breath Go easy on the aftershave/perfume Consider getting haircut/trim
Gender Specific Suggestions –Boys: Wear shirt with a collar Hide tattoos, take out piercings Wear a belt (no “pants on the ground”!) Dark socks! No tennis shoes No jeans or sweats
Gender Specific Suggestions –Girls: Heels 2” and under Close-toed shows (no flip flops!) Only one earring per ear (and only 5 accessories total) If wearing skirt/dress – it should be an ADULT appropriate length No cleavage or midriff No jeans or sweats Keep your purse small & professional
Step Five – Arrive Early minutes (at least!) –Take some time to collect yourself. –Organize your notes –Refresh your memory on your selling points –Use the restroom and have a chance to do any last minute grooming. It gives you a psychological edge to be early!
Step Six – Make A Good First Impression 6 keys to a successful handshake Stand up, make eye contact & smile Say your name Extend your right hand at a slight angle with your thumb up. Touch thumb joint to thumb joint (meat to meat and squeeze!) Provide a firm handshake (not vice grip) Pump two, possibly three times Then drop your hands
The Unspoken Word Communication is: 7 % Words (what you say) 38% Tone (how you say it) 55% Non-Verbal (physical impression, facial expressions, posture, gestures) 93% of a person’s communication effectiveness is determined by nonverbal communication!!!
Body Language Messages Things to remember: –Pay attention to the person you are speaking with. They should have your full attention. Don’t let your eyes wander. –Watch your facial expressions & hand gestures –Don’t fidget –Show energy & enthusiasm in your posture
Step Seven – Answer Well Don’t ramble – it’s better to give short answers with strong points. Look the interviewer in the eye when answering. Gather your thoughts. Feel free to say I need a minute to think about before I answer.
Step Eight – Ask Questions Be prepared come with questions. –Ask about job responsibilities. –What are the next steps in the hiring process. –Emphasize that you are interested in the job. thank them for their time.When leaving shake the persons hand, look them in the eye and thank them for their time.
Step Nine – Be Yourself Let who you are really shine through. Be proud of your talents, motivations and skills, that make you who you are. Show the real you.
Step Ten – Follow Up As soon as you get home, write a thank you note to your interviewer. Keep your note short. –Thank them for the interview opportunity –Re-affirm why you would be the best candidate
Now it is your turn… Choose 15 of the Frequently Asked Interview Questions –Choose the hard ones!!! On a separate sheet of notebook paper, answer those 15 questions as if you were being interviewed.