These materials are prepared only for the students enrolled in the course Distributed Software Development (DSD) at the Department of Computer Science and Engineering, University of Mälardalen, Västerås, Sweden and at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing, University of Zagreb, Croatia (year 2009/2010). For all other purposes, authors’ written permission is needed! The purpose of these materials is to help students in better understanding of lectures in DSD and not their replacement! NOTICE!
Distributed Software Development
Project Status – Beta Prototype Antonio Pošćić, Ivan Ačkar, Zvonko Žibrat
Project status
Experiences (I) Still on track –Meeting deadlines successfully –Division on subprojects Concurrent development Cultural issues –Minimal influence –Language barrier Problematic communication?
Experiences (II) Possible improvements –More attention to code changes –Team collaboration Problems and risks –Exams, departures, unavailability –Communication of ideas and decisions –Mass hysteria?
Milestones On track!
Activity Plan ● ● ● ● ● ● ● On track!
Work Hours
Statistics... Finances ~7500 lines of code 7 of 11 subprojects completely finished On a finer scale, 70% complete
Functionalities and Implementation
New Functionalities (I) Batch upload presentations –Conversion time –User friendly –Integrity checks Code reusability –Error detection “Surprise feature” –Not a requirement
New Functionalities (II) ODP to Wiki markup –“Basic” implementation (or is it?) –Support for styles –Improvements to follow XSL Transformation –From XML to XML –Flexibility, integration –PHP XSLT processor
New Functionalities (III) Slides editing –WYISWG –FCKEditor –Suitable? Changes –Syntax highlighting –Custom tags
What Lies Ahead... Wiki markup to ODP Error handling, debugging Authentication/security Surprises Improving existing functionalities