GridMaGrid Users & Applications Conclusions 16/ Grid activities in Morocco Abderrahman El Kharrim CNRST - MaGrid Team Morocco Grid Workshop - Rabat, 16 June 2011
2 Grid – Needs Scientific instruments produce enormous amounts of data The data should be accessible to all researchers regardless their locations Simulation runs require time and computing power Grid : a new generation of computing infrastructure 16/06/2011 Chain/Eumedgrid-Support/EPIKH Workshop CNRST, Rabat-MOROCCO
3 Grid – Concept A genuine new concept in distributed computing – Radical changes in the way people do computing – Share the computing power of many countries – Decentralized computing resources and management Basic concept is simple: – I.Foster : “coordinated resource sharing and problem solving in dynamic, multi-institutional virtual organizations.“ – End-user : I want to be able to use computing resources as I need I don’t care who owns resources, or where they are If the Web is able to share information, the Grid is intended to share computing power and storage 16/06/2011 Chain/Eumedgrid-Support/EPIKH Workshop CNRST, Rabat-MOROCCO
4 Grid – Concept Hardware and software infrastructure providing safe, consistent and cheap access to computing resources —Heterogeneous —Geographically distributed —Coherent and decentralized management What is a computing grid? 16/06/2011 Chain/Eumedgrid-Support/EPIKH Workshop CNRST, Rabat-MOROCCO
5 Grid – Concept Practically: Grid is a super computing center with Single login All data can be accessible Batch or interactive modes 16/06/2011 Chain/Eumedgrid-Support/EPIKH Workshop CNRST, Rabat-MOROCCO
6 Grid – Concept 6 Grid services User Interface VO 16/06/2011 Chain/Eumedgrid-Support/EPIKH Workshop CNRST, Rabat-MOROCCO
16/06/20117 Grid – Concept User Interface (UI) Computing Element Storage Element Site X Information System (BDII) submit query retrieve Workload Management Logging & Bookkeeping (WMS) publish state File and Replica Catalogs Authorization Service query update credential publish state discover services (CE)(SE)
In December 2005, a commission (national grid expert + potential grid users) has developed a strategy for a National Grid Initiative (NGI). MaGrid has been established by the deployment of the first site at CNRST (MA-01-CNRST ). MaGrid is connected to the Euro-Mediterranean grid EUMedGrid and the European grid EGEE. MaGrid 16/06/
9 MaGrid – Goals Provide Moroccan scientific communities with a platform dedicated to intensive computing and processing large amounts of data. Share and optimize the use of geographically distributed computing resources. Allow the national scientific community to increase its capacity for cooperation both nationally and internationally and to enhance its ability for integration to large-scale projects. 16/06/2011 Chain/Eumedgrid-Support/EPIKH Workshop CNRST, Rabat-MOROCCO
MaGrid - Involvement in international projects EUMEDGRID Support / EPIKH : Supporting EUMEDGRID infrastructure already established in the Euro-Mediterranean countries including Morocco. Reinforce the impact of e-Infrastructures in scientific research by defining and delivering stimulating programme of educational events, including Grid Schools and High Performance Computing courses UNESCO-HP: Brain gain initiative in Africa and the Middle East region. The project submitted by the CNRST: "Development and reinforcement of the Moroccan computing grid, MaGrid" 1016/06/2011 Chain/Eumedgrid-Support/EPIKH Workshop CNRST, Rabat-MOROCCO
Green countries are the members of EUGridPMA, and countries in yellow are the candidates Moroccan researchers may request their certificates on : MaGrid – MaGrid CA The Certification Authority MaGrid CA: Installed CNRST Accredited member of EUGridPMA since 2007 ( 1116/06/2011 Chain/Eumedgrid-Support/EPIKH Workshop CNRST, Rabat-MOROCCO
MaGrid – Resources CPU (cores)Storage (GB) MA-01-CNRST MA-02-CNRST /06/2011 Chain/Eumedgrid-Support/EPIKH Workshop CNRST, Rabat-MOROCCO
User & Applications Scientific fields involved: High Energy Physics Theoretical Chemistry Medical Physics Mathematics Engineering Sciences: —Seismology —Meteorology —Pollution and Environment —… 1316/06/2011 Chain/Eumedgrid-Support/EPIKH Workshop CNRST, Rabat-MOROCCO
User & Applications Applications installed / marked for installation: ROOT, Molpro, GROMACS, NAMD, GAMESS, Compilers (g++, f77), Scilab, Geant4, Gate, WRF, … 1416/06/2011 Chain/Eumedgrid-Support/EPIKH Workshop CNRST, Rabat-MOROCCO
User & Applications Magrid CA Magrid VO 2 operationnal sites dedicated to R&D Site maintenance and toubleshooting Softwares installations and tests Events organization Regular trainings for users and site administrators Participation to national and international events involving scientific computing Visiting universities and scientific institutions to get direct contact with potential grid users. MaGrid services 16/06/2011 Chain/Eumedgrid-Support/EPIKH Workshop CNRST, Rabat-MOROCCO
Conclusions MaGrid is ready to meet the needs of researchers and universities. Provide Moroccans researchers with the computing resources needed for their research. Gateway to access world wide ressources. Some steps have been completed successfully. Grid computing technology becomes more known and start to be deployed at Moroccan universities. Greater involvement of researchers and universities is necessary. 1616/06/2011 Chain/Eumedgrid-Support/EPIKH Workshop CNRST, Rabat-MOROCCO