GridMaGrid Users & Applications Conclusions 16/0620101 Grid activities in Morocco Abderrahman El Kharrim CNRST - MaGrid Team Morocco Grid Workshop - Rabat,


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Presentation transcript:

GridMaGrid Users & Applications Conclusions 16/ Grid activities in Morocco Abderrahman El Kharrim CNRST - MaGrid Team Morocco Grid Workshop - Rabat, 16 June 2011

2 Grid – Needs  Scientific instruments produce enormous amounts of data  The data should be accessible to all researchers regardless their locations  Simulation runs require time and computing power Grid : a new generation of computing infrastructure 16/06/2011 Chain/Eumedgrid-Support/EPIKH Workshop CNRST, Rabat-MOROCCO

3 Grid – Concept  A genuine new concept in distributed computing – Radical changes in the way people do computing – Share the computing power of many countries – Decentralized computing resources and management  Basic concept is simple: – I.Foster : “coordinated resource sharing and problem solving in dynamic, multi-institutional virtual organizations.“ – End-user : I want to be able to use computing resources as I need I don’t care who owns resources, or where they are If the Web is able to share information, the Grid is intended to share computing power and storage 16/06/2011 Chain/Eumedgrid-Support/EPIKH Workshop CNRST, Rabat-MOROCCO

4 Grid – Concept  Hardware and software infrastructure providing safe, consistent and cheap access to computing resources —Heterogeneous —Geographically distributed —Coherent and decentralized management What is a computing grid? 16/06/2011 Chain/Eumedgrid-Support/EPIKH Workshop CNRST, Rabat-MOROCCO

5 Grid – Concept Practically: Grid is a super computing center with  Single login  All data can be accessible  Batch or interactive modes 16/06/2011 Chain/Eumedgrid-Support/EPIKH Workshop CNRST, Rabat-MOROCCO

6 Grid – Concept 6 Grid services User Interface VO 16/06/2011 Chain/Eumedgrid-Support/EPIKH Workshop CNRST, Rabat-MOROCCO

16/06/20117 Grid – Concept User Interface (UI) Computing Element Storage Element Site X Information System (BDII) submit query retrieve Workload Management Logging & Bookkeeping (WMS) publish state File and Replica Catalogs Authorization Service query update credential publish state discover services (CE)(SE)

 In December 2005, a commission (national grid expert + potential grid users) has developed a strategy for a National Grid Initiative (NGI).  MaGrid has been established by the deployment of the first site at CNRST (MA-01-CNRST ).  MaGrid is connected to the Euro-Mediterranean grid EUMedGrid and the European grid EGEE. MaGrid 16/06/

9 MaGrid – Goals  Provide Moroccan scientific communities with a platform dedicated to intensive computing and processing large amounts of data.  Share and optimize the use of geographically distributed computing resources.  Allow the national scientific community to increase its capacity for cooperation both nationally and internationally and to enhance its ability for integration to large-scale projects. 16/06/2011 Chain/Eumedgrid-Support/EPIKH Workshop CNRST, Rabat-MOROCCO

MaGrid - Involvement in international projects EUMEDGRID Support / EPIKH : Supporting EUMEDGRID infrastructure already established in the Euro-Mediterranean countries including Morocco. Reinforce the impact of e-Infrastructures in scientific research by defining and delivering stimulating programme of educational events, including Grid Schools and High Performance Computing courses UNESCO-HP: Brain gain initiative in Africa and the Middle East region. The project submitted by the CNRST: "Development and reinforcement of the Moroccan computing grid, MaGrid" 1016/06/2011 Chain/Eumedgrid-Support/EPIKH Workshop CNRST, Rabat-MOROCCO

Green countries are the members of EUGridPMA, and countries in yellow are the candidates Moroccan researchers may request their certificates on : MaGrid – MaGrid CA The Certification Authority MaGrid CA: Installed CNRST Accredited member of EUGridPMA since 2007 ( 1116/06/2011 Chain/Eumedgrid-Support/EPIKH Workshop CNRST, Rabat-MOROCCO

MaGrid – Resources CPU (cores)Storage (GB) MA-01-CNRST MA-02-CNRST /06/2011 Chain/Eumedgrid-Support/EPIKH Workshop CNRST, Rabat-MOROCCO

User & Applications Scientific fields involved:  High Energy Physics  Theoretical Chemistry  Medical Physics  Mathematics  Engineering Sciences: —Seismology —Meteorology —Pollution and Environment —… 1316/06/2011 Chain/Eumedgrid-Support/EPIKH Workshop CNRST, Rabat-MOROCCO

User & Applications Applications installed / marked for installation:  ROOT,  Molpro,  GROMACS,  NAMD,  GAMESS,  Compilers (g++, f77),  Scilab,  Geant4,  Gate,  WRF,  … 1416/06/2011 Chain/Eumedgrid-Support/EPIKH Workshop CNRST, Rabat-MOROCCO

User & Applications  Magrid CA  Magrid VO  2 operationnal sites dedicated to R&D  Site maintenance and toubleshooting  Softwares installations and tests  Events organization  Regular trainings for users and site administrators  Participation to national and international events involving scientific computing  Visiting universities and scientific institutions to get direct contact with potential grid users. MaGrid services 16/06/2011 Chain/Eumedgrid-Support/EPIKH Workshop CNRST, Rabat-MOROCCO

Conclusions  MaGrid is ready to meet the needs of researchers and universities.  Provide Moroccans researchers with the computing resources needed for their research.  Gateway to access world wide ressources.  Some steps have been completed successfully.  Grid computing technology becomes more known and start to be deployed at Moroccan universities.  Greater involvement of researchers and universities is necessary. 1616/06/2011 Chain/Eumedgrid-Support/EPIKH Workshop CNRST, Rabat-MOROCCO