To examine the effect of the intervention approaches of Stress Management, Cardiovascular Fitness, and Physical Activity on the stress levels of college students over a 16 week semester. 1.Stress levels for perceived stress, test anxiety, and burnout would show the greatest reduction in the Stress Management group. 2.stress levels for perceived stress, test anxiety, and burnout would be lower at the end of the semester compared to the beginning for all treatment groups. 3.stress levels for perceived stress, test anxiety, and burnout would be higher at the end of the semester compared to the beginning for the Control group. Stress is an inevitable aspect of a college student’s life and its sources are numerous and diverse. Studies that focus on specific intervention strategies to reduce stress in college students are limited. Studied interventions have included the physiological, general physical activity, cardiovascular, and cognitive-behavioral. More than one coping strategy may be necessary to reduce the magnitude of a negative stress appraisal. SM and PA both reduced their stress levels – consider which one is more practical. CF is less effective than other strategies – the activity may have been a stressor. Perceived stress increased for the control group over the semester, but test anxiety or personal burnout did not. In sum, a combination of stress reduction strategies may be the most effective means of reducing stress indices in male and female college students. Practitioners should consider implementing a combination of psychological training and physical activity in order to provide a realistic, yet effective means of stress reduction in college students.. In reference to perceived stress, the C group (M = 38.6) was higher than all other groups (SM, M = 35.9; PA, M = 35.0; CF, M = 35.3). The SM group (M = 33.9) was higher than the PA (M = 25.9) and CF groups (M = 28.2) on test anxiety, and the PA group was also lower than the C group (M = 31.6). The SM (M = 30.4) and PA groups (M = 28.8) were lower than the CF group (M = 33.9) on personal burnout. SM and PA groups demonstrated significant decreases in perceived stress, test anxiety, and personal burnout from the beginning to the end of the semester. The CF group showed a significant decrease in perceived stress from the first to the second data collection, but had a significant increase in personal burnout. The C group showed a significant increase in perceived stress from the beginning to the end semester, but had no significant increase or decrease on test anxiety or personal burnout. Participants were 531 male (n = 293) and female (n = 238) college students from Stress Management (SM), Physical Activity (PA), Cardiovascular Fitness (CV), and Control group (C) classes. Measurements included perceived stress, test anxiety, and personal burnout. Participants completed a survey at the beginning and end of semester. Means and Standard Deviations for Stress Management, Physical Activity, Cardiovascular Fitness, and Control Groups on Stress Variables for the Beginning and End of the Semester Stress Condition Stress Management Physical Activity Cardiovascular Fitness ControlTotal Mean Beginning of Semester Perceived Stress38.2 (7.1)37.2 (5.4)37.4 (4.5)36.9 (6.1)37.42 Test Anxiety39.4 (5.8)29.6 (6.4)28.1 (6.2)31.8 (6.9)32.25 Personal Burnout32.9 (5.7)30.8 (4.8)31.8 (5.1)31.9 (6.5)31.85 End of SemesterStressActivityFitnessControlTotal Mean Perceived Stress33.7* (6.2)32.9* (4.7)33.1* (9.7)40.2 (6.2)*35.0 Test Anxiety28.5* (6.4)22.1* (3.1)28.3 (5.7)31.3 (7.2)31.40 Personal Burnout27.8* (4.8)26.8* (7.2)35.9* (6.1)32.1 (5.9)32.40 *Significant at p <.05. Note. Higher scores indicate a greater level of stress.