Nigriceps ants They kill giraffes They have 4 species of ants Nile crocodile grow 5 meters long There body are hidden underwater Lion weighs up to pounds and get up to 10 feet tall They run 40 miles per hour African elephant Largest land mammal on the planet Can weigh up to 10,000 pounds and grow ten feet tall
African wild dogs Found in the plains where the hunt Travel in packs so that they can take down larger prey Black Momba Not actually black Deadliest snake on the planet Kola bears The average 33 inches Are eaten by foxes, wild dogs and Dingoes
Baobab tree The baobab tree can stay alive for thousands of years. This tree is mainly found near the equator in the African and Indian savannas. This tree is often called the upside down tree In the wet months the baobab tree stores water in it’s trunk for the dry months. some tribes still live in hollowed out trunks of the baobab. Manketti tree Has a long straight trunk Prefers to grow in hot arid climates The tap root of the Manketti is very long and continues to go deeper in the ground until it finds water. The tree nuts that the Manketti grow are considered a staple to the African people not only as food but also for oil. Umbrella Thorn Acacia This is the most distinctive tree on the savanna. This tree can survive temperatures ranging from 122 degrees to below freezing. Until recently this tree was called the Mimosa tree This tree has a umbrella canopy that spreads out to give shade for it and the surrounding plants
Candelabra Tree The Candelabra tree grow to 30 to 40 feet tall. They are found near the equator. Candelabra trees are poisonous to most living things. Whistling thorn A whistling Thorn can grow 18 feet tall. During the dry season they drop their leaves to help conserve water. Their thorns can grow 3 inches long. Elephant grass Elephant grass can grow up to 10 feet tall. This grass is originally from Africa. The leaves of this plant can leaves grow 2 to 3 feet long.
The savanna in Africa experiences a wet season during the summer and a dry season in the winter. During the winter the plants of the savanna will usually shrivel up and die, also many of the animals migrate away to find food water and a less harsh environment for the winter. During the wet season plants come back to life and rivers start to flow again. Also during the wet season animals return to the graze and reproduce.
During the summer the average temperature is degrees and in the winter ranges from degrees. During a typical year the average rainfall is between inches.
Many of the hills in Africa are a result of volcanic activity. There are no signs of folding mountains like the Rockies. The Rift Valley system in Africa is 6,000 miles long The Rift Valley covers much of the continent Africa is divided into two almost equal parts of land mass Many of the rivers in africa have been dammed up to use as hydro electric plants.
Things to bring Food Water Clothes Stuff to do Big game hunting Safari Dangers Attacked by lion Attacked by snake Attacked by ants Attacked by crocodile