Resources I Used: My Notes. Other random articles were also used. I also used books on occasions. Fellow Classmates
What I learned With the help of the basic skills of the computer and the ability to use the resources and articles available to me through the internet, I have learned a lot on the work that I have accomplished on as well as I have also started, and are almost completely finished with the assignments on We have been using edmodo since the beginning of the year and I have learned a lot. It has helped me to learn many skills, such as how to use PowerPoint which will prove to be very useful in future classes. We have utilized this program to do many of our assignments. I obtained most of my information from the internet. However, the lessons were initially introduced to me in lectures in the classroom. This semester, I have learned a lot about renewable and non- renewable resources as well as endangered species. With the computer, notes, and articles on the internet as reliable resources, I have completed a majority of my work and have gotten full credit on my assignments. Overall, with my work on the computer and with the help of the websites in which I have already listed above and on previous pages, I have learned about what an endangered species is and that the African Elephant is endangered. I learned about how silver and petroleum are sources that will not last forever, and I also learned about solar energy and wind power along the way. All of this I found very interesting to learn about and the computer makes it very interesting to learn, vs. a textbook that contains complex and useless vocabulary. On the computer you can find almost anything and everything you need to know, and if for some strange reason you can’t find it then you can utilize a book for it’s knowledge on the subject. In conclusion, my mind has been expanded to new heights.