Match the opposites 1.beautiful 2.big 4.clean 6.dry 8.interesting 10.relaxing a.boring b.cold c.dangerous d.dirty e.expensive f.humid g.small h.stressful i.ugly j.warm
Match these statements 1.What’s Hong Kong like? Is it an interesting place?___ 2. Do you like your hometown? ___ 3. What’s Sidney like? I’ve never been there. ___ 4. Have you ever been to Sao Paulo? ___ a.Oh, really? It’s beautiful, and it’s very clean. It has a great harbor and beautiful beaches. b.Yes, many times. It’s a very modern city. It’s too hot in the summer, though. c.Yes, it is. It’s very exciting. It’s really crowded, however. d.No, I hate it. It’s not too small, but it’s pretty boring. That’s why I moved away.
Listen to Joyce and Nick talk about their hometowns. Write “J” or “N” in the blanks. ___ it’s clean and pretty ___ no good restaurants ___ no nightlife of any kind ___ parks and trees in the center of the city ___ rents are high ___ terrific restaurants ___ go skiing in the winter ___ go hiking in the summer ___ wonderful theaters ___ a big city __ a boring place ___ a city person ___ a fun place ___ a small town ___ fairly cheap ___ fantastic art musems ___ food cost a lot ___ great scenery
Listen to Joyce and Nick talk about their hometowns. Write “J” or “N” in the blanks. N it’s clean and pretty J no good restaurants J no nightlife of any kind N parks and trees in the center of the city N rents are high N terrific restaurants J to go skiing in the winter J to go hiking in the summer N wonderful theaters N a big city J a boring place J a city person N a fun place J a small town J fairly cheap N fantastic art musems N food costs a lot J great scenery
Which of these characteristics correspond to your hometown? Explain ___ it’s clean and pretty ___ no good restaurants ___ no nightlife of any kind ___ parks and trees in the center of the city ___ rents are high ___ terrific restaurants ___ to go skiing in the winter ___ to go hiking in the summer ___ wonderful theaters ___ a big city __ a boring place ___ a city person ___ a fun place ___ a small town ___ fairly cheap ___ fantastic art musems ___ food cost a lot ___ great scenery
A Situation for the Oral Exam: Get in pairs and practice this. Be ready to come in front of the class to talk about it. - Do you like your hometown? Why? - What’s your city like? - Is it an interesting place? / very big? / safe? / clean? / very expensive to live in? - What’s the nightlife / weather like? - What should/shouldn’t tourists /eat/buy/do there?