First Americans (and other parts of the World, too) Unit 1.1
Who, When, from Where, Why? What is the difference between immigration and migration? Long before Columbus, what is the story of how people got to America? Land Bridge over Bering Strait Approx thousand years ago
Development of Civilization Hunter-gatherers What did they do? Subsistence farmers Enough for who? City-States/Civilizations In N & S America, civilizations came about after there was a surplus of what crop?
Early Cultures in America Olmec/Mayan in Yucatan Peninsula Aztec is Central Mexico Inca in South America Anasazi and Hohokam – SW USA How did they live? Mississippian Culture Mound builders Cahokia Mound (Illinois) Crystal River Ancestors to modern tribes
Adaptation of Native Americans before Columbus Native Americans adapted a way of life and complex cultures based on the climate and geography of where they lived. Great Basin & Plains – mobile lifestyle Following _______________ Once Europeans arrived they used __________ Pacific Coast – Southwest – Eastern Woodlands – Maize – spread of maize supported economic development and social diversification among societies in North America
What is the most important thing to know about the pre-Columbian Native Americans? There were hundreds/thousands of different nations. Not United! How would that hurt them against European invaders? One group loosely united – Iroquois Confederation (loose union) of tribes Mohawk, Onondaga, Oneida, Cayuga, Seneca, Tuscarora
Florida Tribes in 1492 South Florida – Calusa Middle/NE – Timucua Panhandle – Apalachee Plus other smaller tribes If you were a Native America living in Citrus County 500 years ago, what area would be best to live? How would you live?
From here on it is basically a review of World History. You need think as a historian for American History. For each item think, why is this important for the history of America/United States.
Thesis Statement Idea 1492 to 1607 What is the position? What are the categories for analysis?
Africa in the 1300s and 1400s Ancient trading kingdoms – Ghana, Mali, Songhai Traded on both sides of the Sahara Desert and had technology from both. Controlled large areas. Tribes had slavery. What happened when European interacted with coastal tribes in 1400s? How was slavery different than what it would be in the new world?
Europe in 1300s and 1400s Most modern nations were not yet developed. Many smaller kingdoms. But what was the one unifying source for Europe? Who was the unofficial leader of Europe? How was this shown? Crusades
Out of the Dark Ages Marco Polo – how did his writings lead to exploration? What was the big deal about spices? Renaissance – rebirth in learning Scientific Revolution – Compass, Astrolabe, Caravels (ships) From this – Enlightenment ideas
Death and Monarchs “Black Death” or Black Plague How would the immune system be of the survivors? How would this be different from the Native Americans? Smaller kingdoms combine to form larger nations Would be competing with each other. In 1500 the most powerful European countries were: Portugal Spain France Netherlands England
The Drunk Priest strikes Martin Luther – 95 theses and split of church Reformation Protestant Churches Christian, but not Roman Catholic or Greek Orthodox Many of the Protestants would have groups settle in the American colonies.
Hierarchy Social Hierarchy Within royal families Primogeniture Who got everything when dad died? What did the other sons do? Daughters? What if they explored new areas?
Reflection Questions What happened to make civilizations occur in the Americas? Why did Native Americans not all join together to fight the invading Europeans? How was slavery in Africa and how would it be different in the new world? How did events in Europe lead to exploration of the Americas?
Links - Sistine chapel virtual tour timeline , &q=&datefrom=1000&dateto=2010 – old maps , &q=&datefrom=1000&dateto= – review video wrel – how to survive APUSH wrel