CSP ePortfolio a case of constructive alignment Gwyn Owen, CSP Professional Adviser – CPD
context CSP is the educational, professional & trade union body for UK’s 52,000 chartered physiotherapists, physiotherapy students & support workers CPD is a professional responsibility (outcomes- based approach) CSP ePortfolio introduced in 2008
constructive alignment (c2008) changing regulatory requirements: evidence of CPD required to renew registration to practice professional & regulatory body expectations: outcomes-based approach to CPD CSP ePortfolio (bespoke version of PebblePad Classic) launched in 2008 as part of CSP membership package
by 2011… 1 st cycle of HCPC CPD audit completed growing awareness of portfolios as tool for evidencing employability, learning, & ongoing competence to practice changing CSP ICT infrastructure: single sign-on, adoption of standard version of Pebble Classic CSP ePortfolio a/c: total = [36.6%] active = [70.4% of total]
constructive alignment (c2011) outcomes-based approach to CPD ‘norm’ changing practice context – employability & career trajectories members’ concerns re access to CPD growth in mobile use amongst CSP members CSP ‘Charting the Future’ project: new Code & practice standards, L&D principles/qualifying curriculum & a career development framework
extending the CSP ePortfolio embedding CSP Physiotherapy Framework into the ePortfolio system/CPD resources gateway building bespoke forms/learning activities: ePortfolio templates + MS word/ppt format (accessed via CPD resources gateway) exploring ways of blending CSP ePortfolio with CSP’s other platforms/infrastructures transition to PP3 (April 2013)
examples from 2012/13 Renewing HCPC registration 2012 with CPD SydRenewing HCPC registration using ePortfolio system to handle submissions for CSP educational awardsCSP educational awards eFlyer to promote CSP ePortfolio to specific member groupseFlyer
outcome of activity
CSP ePortfolio accounts Total CSP membership = 52000
qualitative outcomes fewer frustrated members shift in nature of member enquiries – from what...? to how can I...? changing patterns of use/engagement – seasonal variation personal learning for CSP L&D team
moving on... changing context of practice members’ understanding/construction of learning & development members’ perceptions of/access to/confidence in ICT integration with CSP’s other ICT systems