SLE-SM Briefing 12 March 2008 Page 1 Arlington, VA Space Link Extension (SLE) Cross Support Services Presented by Hugh Kelliher Director Space ConneXions Limited
SLE-SM Briefing 12 March 2008 Page 2 Arlington, VA CCSDS is the international organisation responsible for defining common data communications standards to enable different agency spacecraft and ground systems to talk to each other seamlessly. Member agencies are: Introduction to CCSDS CCSDS was founded in 1982 by ESA and NASA
SLE-SM Briefing 12 March 2008 Page 3 Arlington, VA Cross Support Environment SLE Data Transfer SLE Service Management (SM) User (UM) Provider (CM)
SLE-SM Briefing 12 March 2008 Page 4 Arlington, VA The SLE-SM high level processes are: Registration by the user for the service Establishment of a Service Agreement by the user and provider Definition of Configuration Profiles by the user that will enable the provider to configure the ground station equipment correctly Planning and agreement of Service Packages by the user and provider, to schedule the times when the user may use the provider’s ground station to contact the spacecraft Provision of Trajectory Prediction information by the user, to enable the provider to point the ground station towards the spacecraft Execution of the previously agreed Service Packages using SLE Data Transfer Services Monitoring of the service by the user (optional) SLE-SM High Level Processes
SLE-SM Briefing 12 March 2008 Page 5 Arlington, VA SLE Service Groups SLE-SM Operations
SLE-SM Briefing 12 March 2008 Page 6 Arlington, VA Compliance Matrix : Service Package OperationsBilaterally Defined Content Allowed Bilaterally Defined Exchange Allowed Implementation required for minimal specification compliance Implementation required for minimal service compliance CSPPNA Y CTSPNNA DSPNNYY SASNNNN ANTNNNN ANESNNNN QSPPNNN RSPPNNN SPCNNYY SPMNNNN Operation required for an implementation to reach minimal compliance with the specification Y = YesN = NoP = Partial A = Alternative option for compliance
SLE-SM Briefing 12 March 2008 Page 7 Arlington, VA OperationsBilaterally Defined Content Allowed Bilaterally Defined Exchange Allowed Implementation required for minimal specification compliance Implementation required for minimal service compliance ASLSPYYNY ASTSPYYNN ARTSPYYNN DSLSPNYNY DTSPNYNN QSLSPYYNN QTSPYYNN QRTSPYYNN ASLEPYYNN DSLEPNYNN QSLEPYYNN Compliance Matrix : Configuration Profile Operation required for an implementation to reach minimal compliance with respect to a particular service group Y = YesN = No
SLE-SM Briefing 12 March 2008 Page 8 Arlington, VA Compliance Matrix : Trajectory Prediction and Service Agreement Y = YesN = No ServiceOperationsBilaterally Defined Content Allowed Bilaterally Defined Exchange Allowed Implementation required for minimal specification compliance Implementation required for minimal service compliance Trajectory Prediction ATPYYNY DTPNYNY QTPYYNN Service Agreement QSAYYNY
SLE-SM Briefing 12 March 2008 Page 9 Arlington, VA CREATE_SERVICE_PACKAGE Invoked by UM to request creation of a Service Package at CM; The CSP operation involves the exchange of the following messages: CreateServicePackageInvocation (CSP-I); CreateServicePackageAcknowledgedReturn (CSP-AR); CreateServicePackageSuccessfulReturn (CSP-SR); CreateServicePackageFailedReturn (CSP-FR). Example: Create Service Package (CSP)
SLE-SM Briefing 12 March 2008 Page 10 Arlington, VA CSPU-1UM shall conform to all Invoker Requirements for Three-Phase Operation Procedures as specified in CSPU-2UM shall conform to all CSP-I Data Set Composition and Relationship Requirements when creating and transmitting a CSP-I as specified in tables 4-18 and CSPU-3UM should submit CSP-I messages that are valid with respect to all service management validation requirements for CM as defined in table 4 ‑ 3. CSPU-4UM shall validate that a received CSP-AR, CSP-SR,or CSP-FR, or conforms to all CSP-AR, CSP-SR,or CSP-FR, syntactic validation requirements specified in tables Table 4 ‑ 23 (CSP-AR), Table 4 ‑ 44 and Table 4 ‑ 45 (CSP-SR), or Table 4 ‑ 48 (CSP-FR), respectively. If the return fails any of the syntactic validation requirements, UM shall process the message set containing the syntactically invalid return in accordance with the Invoker Requirements for Three-Phase Operation Procedures. CSPU-5UM shall validate that a received CSP-AR, CSP-SR,or CSP-FR, or conforms to all CSP-AR, CSP-SR,or CSP-FR, service management validation requirements specified in tables Table 4 ‑ 23 (CSP-AR Table 4 ‑ 44 and Table 4 ‑ 45 (CSP-SR), or Table 4 ‑ 48 (CSP-FR), respectively. If the return fails any of the service management validation requirements, UM shall process the service management- invalid return in accordance with the Invoker Requirements for Three-Phase Operation Procedures. Example: Create Service Package (CSP) cont. Table 4 ‑ 2: UM Requirements for the CSP Operation Operations are either two-phase or three-phase CM requirements run from CSPC-1 to CSPC-31
SLE-SM Briefing 12 March 2008 Page 11 Arlington, VA Example: Create Service Package (CSP) cont. Class diagram for > Applies to the CreateServicePackageInvocation message (and the ReplaceServicePackage Invocation message) See next page!
SLE-SM Briefing 12 March 2008 Page 12 Arlington, VA Example: Create Service Package (CSP) cont. Table 4 ‑ 11: Antenna Data Set ( > ) Parameter Name Parameter Definition/DescriptionData TypeData Units Applicable Service Agreement Parameter antennaRef Contains the value of an antenna identifierString256n/a allowedAntennaIds constraintType Specifies the type of constraint that is associated with the named antenna. The values are: –‘ preferred ’— The named antenna is preferred for the Service Package. – ‘ acceptable ’—The named antenna is acceptable for the Service Package. –‘ unacceptable ’— The named antenna is unacceptable for the Service Package. Enumn/a Example parameters
SLE-SM Briefing 12 March 2008 Page 13 Arlington, VA Example: Create Service Package (CSP) cont. Example data set composition and relationship requirements Table 4 ‑ 19:Data Set Composition and Relationship Requirements for All ServicePackageInvocation Messages CSPD-1 A ServicePackageInvocation message shall contain one and only one of the following: a) a SpaceLinkSession data set; or b) a RetrievalTsInstanceRequest data set. [syntactic validation] CSPD-2 A SpaceLinkSession data set shall contain: a) one or more ServiceScenario data sets; b) one ServiceScenarioReference data set; and c) zero or more SlsTsProfileRespecification data sets. [syntactic validation] CSPD-31 For each RespecifiedParameter data set in a RetrievalTsProfileRespecification data set: The parameterDistinguishedName parameter shall name a parameter in the Space Link Service Profile referenced by the containing RetrievalTsInstanceRequest data set, and The value of the parameterValue parameter shall be a valid value for the parameter identified by the parameterDistinguishedName parameter. [service management validation]
SLE-SM Briefing 12 March 2008 Page 14 Arlington, VA Agency Interoperability Prototypes JAXA/JPL JPL prototype ready for service management interactions JAXA prototype has begun interaction with JPL prototype Prototypes have been used to support JAXA’s SELENE mission (March 2008) ESA/JPL Estimated date of service management interactions with JPL prototype tentatively scheduled for autumn 2008 time frame These prototypes exchange SLE-SM messages using