Review for Notes Crossing the Continent
What is the word that means “good for growing crops?” Fertile
Name the labeled part on the map: Colorado River
What effect did the reaper have on farming? Farmers were able to produce more crops.
Name the labeled part on the map: Rocky Mountains
How would you describe the terrain (land) west of the Mississippi River? Grasslands, few trees, rugged mountains, deserts.
Another name for buffalo Bison
This was the technology to help pump water from the ground Windmills
What city was the “Gateway to the West”? St Louis, MO
What did pioneers travel on before there were roads out West AND which group of people made this way to travel? Trails created by Native Americans
What did many trails follow through the mountains? Rivers
What did trails eventually create as more and more people settled out West? towns
Who invented the barbed wire? Joseph Glidden
What was the first nickname for the Great Plains? “Great American Desert”
What building material was scarce on the plains and what did pioneers use instead to make houses? Trees were scarce, so people used sod to build houses
What is sod and how did if effect homes in the winter and summers? Sod was thick grass and it made the homes warm in the winter and cool in the summer
What is a drought? A period of little or no rain
Name the labeled part on the map: Great Plains
Who invented the reaper? Cyrus McCormick
Land out West allowed people to own their land and create this kind of opportunity, which involves making money It created ECONOMIC opportunity
Which government Act provided land for RR companies to build the RR lines? Pacific Railway Act
Name the labeled part on the map: Snake River
Which government Act provided 160 acres for 5 years if families improved the land? Homestead Act
Name the thee other major rivers west of the Mississippi River Colorado River Snake River Columbia River
What was the government Act that provided land to states to create agricultural colleges to train people to be better farmers? Morrill Act
What is a homestead and what were the people called who lived there? The homestead is the land and home on which people out west lived The people who lived there were called homesteaders
What was another nickname for the Great Plains once we figured out how good the land was for farming? American Breadbasket
Which two jobs were more permanent for people out West? Ranchers and farmers
Which 2 jobs allowed people to move from place to place- as the resources moved? Miners and fur traders
What was the name of the new technology that allowed farmers to cut wheat much faster than with the scythe? Mechanical reaper
Who invented the steel plow? John Deere/James Oliver
Name the labeled part on the map: Mississippi River
Which new invention allowed settlers to cut through the thick sod? Steel plow
Describe what life was like in a sod house. It was cool in summers/warm in winters Had to deal with bugs and snakes crawling around and on you You were constantly sweeping away dirt Sometimes you put up a sheet to keep the dirt from falling on you while eating or sleeping There were leaks when it rained If you built your house into a hill, sometimes you had “unexpected” guests that would “drop in”
What major effect did barbed wire have on farming? Cattle could no longer trample the farmers’ crops
True or false: “Sooners” were people who jumped the gun in land races to claim their plot of land. True
True or false: The Appalachian Mountains were the rugged mountains you cross as you move out West. False- you cross the Rocky Mountains
Which invention kept the rancher’s cattle out of the farmer’s crops and why? Barbed wire because it was a cheap fencing material
True or false: The Great Plains had great agricultural potential once we developed the technology. True- even though at first we didn’t think so!
True or false: People first settled the Great Plains before settling the West coast. False- we didn’t think the Great Plains had much potential at first so we passed right through them
Name the labeled part on the map: Columbia River
These were able to survive the harsh, terrible winters on the plains because they could grow in cold temperatures. Russian wheat seeds
Which natural resource could you infer would be the most important for settlers to have in order to survive? water
How would you have crossed the country in the 1850s? Most likely by covered wagon on wagon trails since the railroad had not been completed