Barts Health Musculoskeletal Physiotherapy and IMAPS Service Update June 2016
Contract goes live on the 1 st July 2016 The service includes the IMAPS Musculoskeletal Clinical Assessment Service and the Persistent Pain Service Led by Extended Scope Physiotherapists, Hand Occupational Therapists, GPSI’s and the Persistent Pain Team The service will provide: 1.All MSK and Persistent Pain expert triage 2.Comprehensive and holistic assessment and investigation of complex MSK and Persistent Pain patients 3.Urgent patients are seen within 2 weeks and non-urgent within 6 weeks 4.Referral into the patient’s definitive treatment 5.GP Education Programme Update on IMAPS Service Delivery (Integrated Musculoskeletal and Pain Services)
IMAPs MSK Patient Pathway : Single Point Access (SPA) IMAPS MSK Secondary Care Referral e.g. Orthopaedics / Rheumatology Persistent Pain Service. MDT triage to 1:1 or psycho- educational classes Discharge Outpatient Physio / Hand Therapy MCAS Face to Face Appointment, Diagnostics & follow up appointments Health Training & Education Classes
IMAPS Persistent Pain Service Patient Pathway Single Point Access (SPA) Persistent Pain Service (PPS) Multi Disciplinary Team Assessment Pain Consultant + Psychologist Bengali Psycho- educational class English Psycho- educational class Pain Physio Treatment 1:1 Persistent Pain Service (PPS) Multi Disciplinary Team Assessment Pain Physiotherapist and Psychologist Psychology Treatment 1:1 Occupational Therapy Treatment 1:1 Discharge with Individual Discharge Pack
Contract goes live on the 1 st October 2016 All GP referrals into the MSK Physiotherapy Department will be seen at Mile End Hospital The MSK Physiotherapy Department will be using EMIS to facilitate easy communication with GP’s. All Physio notes/letters will be available via EMIS from the 3 rd October 2016 All GP referrals will be triaged by an Extended Scope Practitioner Physiotherapist to ensure appropriate treatment Service Provision: 1.Community based classes for OA Hips and Knees and Lower Back Pain (delivered at Mile End and Royal London Hospitals, Barkantine Health Centre and The Hayaa Mosque. 2.Health Training and Education Classes led by a Health Trainer on Manual Handling, Ergonomics, Stress, Fear avoidance, Weight Management, Pacing and Pain Education 3.Expert Physiotherapy assessment and 1:1 or class based rehabilitation Update on MSK Outpatient Physiotherapy Service Delivery
The MSK Physiotherapy service will provide: Update on MSK Outpatient Physiotherapy Service Delivery
New Single Point of Access (SPA) Referral Form How to refer into IMAPS and THIPPS Easy to complete with pull through auto fills Access to SPA via EMIS once referral template has been uploaded Live from July 1 st No more Choose and Book referrals from July 1 st No more fax referrals from the 1 st July Will not be accepted unless fully completed to allow effective triage referral to: net
Partial booking from the 4 th of July for all new patient appointments (Patients will be given 21 days to respond before being discharged) The MEH booking Office will be closed and centralised to the RLH with MEH phone / fax to be switched off from the 17 th June An appointment reminder text message All patient notes will be accessible on EMIS The Administrative Processes
Urgent appointment (within 2 weeks) criteria includes: 1. Post op patients 2. If a patient is a main carer 3. If the patient has been signed off work due to their MSK pain and dysfunction 4. If a patient has hard neurological signs 5. A first episode of acute MSK related pain within 2 weeks Non-Urgent appointment (within 6 weeks) criteria includes: 1. Acute or chronic MSK pain and dysfunction of more than a 2 week duration Triage Criteria
The above address is hyperlinked on the SPA You can an ESP Physiotherapist with any questions regarding a referral eg appropriate service to refer into, immediate advice or treatment, appropriate investigations prior to referral You will have a response within 6 hours GP Hotline
PIL’s are useful in providing patients immediate advice, education and a generic home exercise programme. Can be located at: 1.The hyperlink on the SPA Referral form Patient Information Leaflets 2. services/patient-information-leaflets-a-z 3. egrated-msk-and-pain-service.htm 4.