The Ejecta distribution of the Cygnus Loop 2009/03/13 超新星残骸ワークショップ@名古屋大学高等総合研究館1Fカンファレンスホール 大阪大学 常深研究室 木村 公、内田 裕之、常深 博、勝田 哲
Outline Previous observation of the Cygnus Loop The distribution of various metal Estimation of progenitor star mass
Previous non-rim observations Tsunemi et al 2007 Katsuda et al 2008 Kimura et al 2009 The spectrum of non-rim region can be fitted by 2-component non-equilibrium ionization model ISM Ejecta
XMM-Newton Observation Tsunemi et al 2007 Katsuda et al 2008 Kimura et al 2009 Si and Fe are distributed in the center of the loop
Suzaku observation - 1 Tsunemi et al 2007 Katsuda et al 2008 Kimura et al 2009 Si and Fe distributed in south-west part of the loop
Suzaku Observation - 2 R (Arcmin) 0’ 40’ 80’ -40’ -80’ Suzaku XIS1
爆発噴出物の分布 Suzaku Newton-North Newton-South R Arcmin -80’ -40’ 0’ 40’
949 box regions are obtained Suzaku: 29 observations XMM: 9 observations ~10,000 counts / region 949 box regions are obtained Each spectrum is fitted by single component VNEI or two component VNEI Flux of each component is calculated 2D Flux Distribution Map
0.2-3.0 keV Flux Distributions of Low- and High-kT Component in unit of counts cm-2s-1arcmin-2 Low-kT component High-kT component
Temperature Distributions of Low- and High-kT Component
× geometric center (Levenson et al 1998) + metal center 10^-19 cm^-5
Mass of progenitor star Type II: Woosley&Weaver 1995 Type Ia: Iwamoto et al 1999
Summary The distribution of various metal There was 25arcmin gap between metal center and geometric center Estimation of progenitor star mass Estimated to be 12 solar mass Future work Increase our FOV