1 OU College of Medicine
2 Interim Progress Report Curriculum 2010 Initiatives from the Education Retreat March 2007 Original Charge to the BSCC and CSCC Task Forces established to address individual issues Tremendous effort by Faculty Central management
3 Intended Consequences Built a community of educators Formed new partnerships Learned about what and how we teach Know the curriculum from many vantage points Identified new faculty participants Found new opportunities and discarded old ideas and traditions
4 Dean’s Challenges to Basic Sciences Integration in years 1 and 2 If we alter the calendar, what would an 18 month delivery look like? Incorporation of clinicians into first and second year and basic into clinical years How do we assess our students? How do we groom independent learners?
5 Basic Sciences Progress Reaffirmed the Educational Program Objectives Designed and approved the knowledge, behavior, skills and attitudes of a graduating senior medical student Focused on integration and a systems- based approach Established working groups to address each content area
6 Proposed Structure Introduction to Medicine (ethics, professionalism, communication, evidence based medicine) Eleven systems –Molecular and Cellular Systems –The Human Structure –Disease, Diagnosis and Therapy –Blood, Hematopoiesis, and Lymphatics –Gastrointestinal and Hepatobiliary –Endocrine, Metabolism and Nutrition –Cardiovascular –Respiratory and Renal –Neuroscience and Psychiatry –Reproduction and Women’s Health –Musculoskeletal and Skin Afternoons twice a week in clinical environments
7 Status of Systems Each have basic science system director and most have partner clinicians All have identified proposed objectives and allowed this to drive content Next steps –Coordination of all systems –Faculty Development for delivery –Incorporation of additional topics such as preventive and public health
8 Additional Working Groups Student Assessment –Grading policies of the university –Options for changing the letter grade system –Possibilities for remediation –Consequences for not meeting standards Elective Programs in Basic Sciences –Medical Humanities, Clinical Learning Experiences and Scholarly Concentration
9 Clinical Sciences Challenges Define a graduate of the OUCOM Better or different way to approach clinical skills development? How should we incorporate the specialty areas of medicine? Incorporate more systems-based practice? Longitudinal patient contact? What curricular goals are best learned/assessed in the selectives program? Alternatives?
10 Clinical Science Progress Proposed and approved the definition of knowledge, behaviors, skills and attitudes of a graduating medical student Studied different delivery systems and decided on discipline based clerkships Studied online procedural skills and patient log to define core curricula Began to incorporate basic scientists in the delivery of core clerkship information (Neurology and Geriatrics)
11 What keeps us up at night? A systems approach requires more faculty time We need to develop new skills of our educators for case development and delivery of the curriculum How do we help our talented students make the transition to self-directed learning?
12 Guidance of Senior Leadership Basic Sciences –Are we committed enough to integration to pursue a systems based approach to the basic sciences curriculum? –Are our clinician partners committed to a systems approach? They must take a more active and thoughtful role in the curriculum in this model. Clinical Sciences –Finalization of core curricula for July 2008 –Timing, assigned times by clerkship, longitudinal clinics, etc.