Welcome to Kindergarten Kindergarten Orientation
Welcome and Introductions Big step on a long journey Exciting time for you and your child Partnership between your family and the school in supporting your child’s learning Kindergarten Orientation
School Supplies Backpack large enough to hold a lunch bag and books Lunch/snack bag Change of Clothing Indoor shoes * Please label ALL your child's belongings* Kindergarten Orientation
Washroom and Self-Help Routines At school, children: – Must use washroom independently – Must wash hands with soap independently – Opening and closing containers – Eating/feeding oneself – Dress and undress independently belts overalls zippers buttons coat, boots, hats, mittens, shoes Kindergarten Orientation
Snacks and Lunches Independently get out snack or lunch and tidy up after self 15 min snack and 15 min recess; 20 min lunch and 40 min recess No nut products permitted Healthy School We ask that you kindly pack a liter less lunch; this means when possible to pack lunches and drinks in reusable containers Kindergarten Orientation
First Day of School First day of School Arrive at 8:50 am (Supervision begins 8:45am) Drop student at the assigned gate to the Kindergarten Pen Student Entry 8:55 am First Day early dismissal at 12:00 pm pickup from assigned kindergarten pen
Dismissal Regular Dismissal 3:25 pm Pick up students at the gate which you were asked to drop your child off at in the morning Daycare- students will be picked up directly from the classroom Bus- students will be picked up directly from the classroom and walked to the bus Kindergarten Orientation
A Typical Day… Morning Entry bell 8:55am 9:00am – 10:40am Morning circle, Integrated Activity Centers 10:40am – 11:10am Morning Recess 11:10am – 12:50pm Integrated Activity 12:50pm – 1:50pm Lunch 1:50 pm- 3:25 pm Art/Gym/Library/Music/Drama Dismissal 3:25pm Kindergarten Orientation
Are you concerned about your child’s speech & language? Speech and Language Rebecca Kowalenko YRDSB Speech & Language Pathologist Kindergarten Orientation
Helpful Information School Website Kindergarten Orientation
Breakout Sessions Kindergarten Orientation Rm.116 Rm.117 Rm.118 Rm.119 Rm.123 ***Please be advised that the break out sessions are over at 7:00pm.***