1.Grab the “Get to Know Mrs. Callahan’s Class” page at the door 2.Go directly to your assigned seat 3.Place your materials (agenda, interactive notebook, vocabulary folder, Unibinder) on the right hand corner 4.Write the day’s agenda into your agenda 5.Begin on the worksheet
HoursMinutesSeconds Bellringer Timer
HoursMinutesSeconds Bellringer Timer
HoursMinutesSeconds Bellringer Timer
HoursMinutesSeconds Bellringer Timer
HoursMinutesSeconds Bellringer Timer
Mrs. Callahan’s Ticket System 5 TICKETS 10 seconds early dismissal OR 2 sharpened pencils 10 TICKETS 30 second early dismissal OR Positive phone call home 15 TICKETS Bathroom pass OR Free homework grade 20 TICKETS Free quiz grade OR 10 minutes free computer time 25 TICKETS Youtube lunch in Mrs. C’s room OR 15 minutes free computer time 30 TICKETS Lowest grade dropped OR Free notes for the day
On the bottom of the “Get to Know Mrs. Callahan’s Class” page write down 5 things Mrs. C did wrong during the lab. Write down at least 2 things Mrs. C did right.
Lab Safety Card Sort Directions: –In your lab group you will place the cards of lab safety rules with the reasons why they are rules. –Once your group has decided they are finished raise your hands and Mrs. C will come by and check Expectations for Group Work: –Voices are quiet (Should not hear you from across the room) –Being nice to everyone in your group –Everyone in the group is working to solve the problem
HoursMinutesSeconds Clean Up and Back to Seats