Ecco il mio paese sulla mappa geografica…
Getting Your Attention I will... Stand in front of the class. Clap it quiet. Wait for everyone to be quiet. Begin speaking.
Attention getting signal… Clap it quiet (Let’s practice)
On the index card please give the following information. Hand it in when asked to do so.
Class Rules Be prompt Be prepared Be positive Be productive Be polite
Classroom Guidelines
Guideline #1 Be in your assigned seat and working on the assigned Do Now / Fare adesso when the late bell rings.
Guideline #2 Bring ALL materials to class and take them with you when you leave. Locker passes will be kept to a minimum.
Guideline #3 Follow directions the first time they are given.
Guideline #4 Treat each person in this room with respect.
Guideline #5 Follow all procedures and policies as outlined in the TJAA handbook.
Take Cornell Notes at all times
Following Guidelines will result in..
Not Following Guidelines will result in...
Severe Clause Any student who uses profanity, fights, damages school property (this includes the property of the teacher and other students), or is disrespectful ( as defined by the teacher ) will be sent to the office IMMEDIATELY.
Entering the Room Please enter quietly. Have a seat. Take out your materials. Review the agenda. Set up your Cornell Notes Begin Do Now / Fare Adesso assignment.
When you are tardy... Enter quietly. Excused: Place excuse on my desk. Unexcused: You will marked Late Quietly have a seat and begin the task at hand.
Early Dismissal Please let me know as you enter the classroom. Quietly raise your hand to get my attention. Pack your materials and quietly leave at the scheduled time. If it is an emergency, quickly get my attention and I will assist you.
After an Excused Absence Pick up missing work from homework folders.
Speak Italian in class PLEASE participate. I want to hear you speak Italian. Make all questions and comments relevant and topical. If your question is off the topic, write it down and ask later.
Moving Around the Room You must ask permission. Do not ask to move during a classroom discussion unless it is an emergency.
Class Dismissal The teacher dismisses you, not the bell. Do not start packing up prior to the bell. Wait until the teacher finishes and officially dismisses you with Buona Giornata! Have a nice day!
– Prof. Kachmar I will work with you. If you are having difficulty, let me know…I will do my best to help you. I want everyone to do well in this class! Let’s have an enjoyable and productive year!
HOMEWORK 1.Student contract (1 2 settembre ) 2.Student survey
Contatti: Mrs. Kachmar 27 Martin Luther King Plaza Elizabeth, New Jersey