What Happens Next? Have a Plan? Workforce Technical School Training and/ or Apprenticeship Military – ASVAB (November) Associate Degree (2 year) o Applied Studies: 2 year and work o Transfer: 2 year and continue at a 4 year college Bachelor’s Degree (4 year)
College Search -all about the fit- VISIT – tours, open houses happening in the fall. Things to consider: o Size Very Small fewer than 1000 students Small Medium ,000 Large: More than 10,000 o Majors/Minors o Distance from home o In state vs Out of State o Public vs Private
Applying to College Types of Deadlines o Early Action – Non binding o Early Decision – Binding o Regular Decision (usually notified Early April Respond by May )1 o Rolling Admission DEADLINES, DEADLINES,DEADLINES o Early Action/Early Decision deadlines are typically October and November o Regular Decision December/January EVERY SCHOOL IS DIFFERENT – CHECK YOUR CHOSEN SCHOOLS’ WEBSITE NOW!
Applying to College Common Application o Fill it out once and then can use it for multiple schools o Each school has the option to add their own specific questions o State schools have you fill out extra section to determine residency o Use this Counselor address School Application – on the college website Do not use your phone. Use a PC or laptop
Items on the Application Demographic Data Activities and Sports: in and outside of school Leadership Coursework Essay – If it is optional do it! Tailor Essay to each school Short Answer Questions
Other Items Needed DEADLINES!!! Recommendations Counselor/Teacher/Coach/Club Advisor – o Ask and allow 3 weeks o Give a brief resume of involvement and accomplishments o Provide a stamped /addressed envelope o If the school will person to request recommendation make sure you tell the teacher – find teacher s on JHHS website or type name into your High School Transcript – we can not submit electronically o Pink form with $1 attached, parent signature if under 18 o A profile sheet and secondary school report will be included o Allow 3 work weeks before Deadline (Remember we aren’t in the building during Thanksgiving or the semester break) o Common app request should come to Mrs. Zimmerman in from common app – enter in the common app.
One More thing Needed! Standardized Test Scores Test Scores: SAT and/or ACT Sent directly from the testing agency to College – you must request it. o SAT: o ACT: o SAT gives you four free score reports – request up to 9 days after test o Most schools super score (mix and match highest) o Subject test requirements are dependent on the school.
Standardized Text Scores Important Dates ACT* Test Date ACT Registration Deadline ACT Late fee required for Registration October 22September 16September December 10November 4November 5-18 SAT DATESTESTREGISTRATION DUE without PENALTY LATE REGISTRATION WITH EXTRA $28 FEE (ON-LINE) SCORES SENT TO COLLEGES BEGINNING ON THIS DATE OCTOBER10/01/1609/01/1609/20/1610/26/16 NOVEMBER11/05/1610/07/1610/25/1611/28/16 DECEMBER12/03/1611/03/1611/22/1612/22/16 *ACT takes 3-8 weeks to process without writing and 5-8 weeks with writing
Financial Aid Free Application for Federal Student Aid o o Opens October 1 o Pell Grant – Free Money o Government Backed Loans FAFSA with additional application Institutional Aid – o Many schools have March 1 deadline o require FAFSA to be considered for institutional aid Financial Aid Night November – o Bring the Family
Scholarships Senior newsletter published weekly /biweekly o Mrs. Shiflet is your friend and can help you o Updated with the latest scholarships o DEADLINES!! o Check school and guidance web page Local Scholarship Application due January 13 Parents Work Social Service Organizations Web sites on handout- Never pay for a scholarship search Merit Scholarships and Honors programs have earlier deadlines - there is that word again!
Local College Fair Apple Blossom Mall – Winchester, Virginia, United States Wednesday, September 28, :30 pm -8:30 pm Preregister to get your barcode
SUM UP We are here to help o Pride time o Leave a note o Early dismissal – stop in. us - webpage Ask student to check school Counselor Recommendations will be done by our Counseling staff. Please drop off a resume to assist your counselor while Mrs. Kerr is out. DEADLINES!!