Kindergarten Weekly News January 16, 2015 Language Arts This week we wrapped up Week 3 of Unit 4. The Week 3 Focus Question was: What do I see in nature? We discussed all of the different things we can see in nature. Our fluency piece Week 3 was a poem called “Nature Everywhere”. We practiced reading with expression and phrasing. The comprehension strategy we focused on this week was visualizing. We practiced describing what we picture in our minds while we read a story! We also began Week 4 of Unit 4. The Focus Question for Week 4 is: How can we take care of nature? The fluency piece we began for Week 4 is a poem called “Fish Tales”. Throughout the week we continued to practice phoneme segmenting and blending. Students were asked to listen to separate sounds (/s/ /e/ /t/). Then they were asked how many sounds they heard (three), and after that they blended the sounds to make the word (set). We did this with multiple three letter words, like bug, tag, top, and tin. You can play this segmenting and blending game with your kiddo as review! *Next Friday will be our Benchmark assessment, where the kiddos will be assessed on materials they have learned in Units 3 and 4. Please review the phonemic skills we have been including in the newsletters and also review the sight words with your kiddo! SIGHT WORDS We have learned one new sight word this week: has Try to have your child practice these words using flash cards and writing sentences using these words too. Continued practice of these skills helps us to become better readers! Also…try using your sight word flash cards to different songs too. Like…Row, row, row your boat OR Twinkle Twinkle This is a fun way for you and your kiddo to practice these words together. SAD GOODBYE!! Due to testing at the High School next week, Miss Kristen and Miss Lindsey will have their last day of school with us on Tuesday, Jan. 20 th Math This week we have been working on wrapping up our unit on Subtraction. Please be sure to review how to show a subtraction sentence. We would like the boys and girls to cross out each item that is subtracted and circle the group taken away and then underline the amount that is remaining. On Tuesday, a review practice page will go home for the test that will be on Thursday. Please be sure to review many of these skills with your kiddo at home. We will do some review games and activities too. FYI~ our 100 th day of school is approaching quickly and we will be sending home a special family fun project for you and your child to work on at home. Be on the lookout for a letter to come home next week. We will be combining our Valentine’s day party and 100 th day celebration together. Specials Since we did NOT have school on Monday, Jan. 12 th …the days for our specials have changed. Tuesday, Jan. 13 th was now a Day 2. Therefore, Next week Tuesday, Jan. 20 th is Day 2! Please be sure to make the appropriate changes to help your child remember his/her sneakers for Gym Class. If you are still unsure…check the Parkland website, Kratzer webpage, or just keep your kiddos’ sneakers in his/her backpack Reminders! Monday, January 19 th ~ NO SCHOOL ~ Prof. Dev. Day Tuesday, January 20 th ~ Day 2 ~ Math review homework goes home Thursday, January 22 nd ~ Math Test on subtraction Friday, January 23 rd ~ EARLY DISMISSAL AM ~ 8:50-10:50am PM ~ 11:45-1:45pm Benchmark assessment Test (Units 3 and 4) ZIPPITY! ZAPPITY! ITS ZIPPER SEASON! Please help your child practice zipping and unzipping their jackets! With the winter season upon us, this is a skill that they need to master. It helps if they know how to do this especially at dismissal time! Thanks a bunch!