Using TMG Utility Roots Users Group of Arlington, Virginia May 14, 2016
2 Overview A “power tool” for changing TMG datasets.
3 Overview A “power tool” for changing TMG datasets. Use with care--and make a backup first!
4 Overview A “power tool” for changing TMG datasets. Use with care--and make a backup first! Intended to help you save time when you have a bulk editing task.
5 Overview A “power tool” for changing TMG datasets. Use with care--and make a backup first! Intended to help you save time when you have a bulk editing task. Use for cleanup tasks.
6 Overview A “power tool” for changing TMG datasets. Use with care--and make a backup first! Intended to help you save time when you have a bulk editing task. Use for cleanup tasks. Use when converting to or from another program.
7 Don't use TMG when you are using TMG Utility. TMG Utility and your TMG Data TMG Project Data TMG Project Data TMG Utility modifies your TMG project data directly. TMG TMG Utility
8 Selected Features Find and Replace Set Living=N Add Married Names Add Standard Names Capitalize Names Change Name Parts Change Citation Parts Change Place Parts Change Event Type Export Images and about 30 more!
9 "Log Only" is Your Friend! The "Log Only" option allows you to preview changes prior to modifying your TMG data. You should always use the "Log Only" option and review the log file prior to making any changes.
TMG Utility 10 Example #1 A new TMG user who has imported his or her data from another program wants to add married names for all the married women currently in the project. Solution: Use the Add Married Names feature.
Using Add Married Names 1. Close TMG if it is open 2. Start TMG Utility 3. Select File > Open… to open the TMG project 4. Select Add Married Names from the function tree 5. Set the options 6. Click the [Add Married Names] button TMG Utility 11
TMG Utility 12 Example #2 A TMG user discovers that many people have the LIVING flag set to "?" when it should be set to "N". Solution: Use the Set Living=N feature.
Using Set Living=N 1. Close TMG if it is open 2. Start TMG Utility 3. Select File > Open… to open the TMG project 4. Select Set Living=N from the function tree 5. Set the options 6. Click the [Set Living=N] button TMG Utility 13
TMG Utility 14 Example #3 A TMG user wants to move surname prefixes like "de" and "van" to the PreSurname field. Solution: Use the Change Name Parts feature. Before Surname: Van Adestine After PreSurname: van Surname: Adestine
Using Change Name Parts There are many steps involved in Change Name Parts, so I’ll demonstrate rather than list them here. TMG Utility 15
16 Contact Information TMG Utility: Second Site: Family History Hosting: