Project Work Presented by Cubar, Carina B. De Claro, Jenneth B. Delatado, Marjorie L.
How to design Project Work? A project usually goes through three stages: Planning, Performing and Feedback: Planning Performing Feedback 2
3 Project Work? Is a learning experience which aims to provide students with the opportunity to synthesize knowledge from various areas of learning, and critically and creatively apply it to real life situations.
Project Work Advantages Project work motivates students. Project work makes students responsible for their own learning. Project work helps bridge the gap between what is taught in classroom and the practical life. Disadvantages Hard to control the noise Time-consuming Different kinds of learners 4
Sample Topic and Tasks A project on Families might involve: Labeling a photograph of your family Drawing a family tree and writing about your ancestors Writing a story about your parents’ or grandparent’s life Comparing life today to life in your parents’ childhood Comparing different kinds of families in different countries Survey on who does what in the home Writing a play about a family argument Writing a poem about your family 5